I swear, half the people I talk to that saw Avatar said that “they couldn’t see it” or some nonsense like that. Or those Magic Eye puzzles, as seen above. Open your f’n eyes, people!
I guess I’ve heard it enough that I believe that some have trouble seeing the 3D effect. That’s why I don’t have too much faith in the consumer electronics industry’s push toward 3D viewing and gaming. But Nintendo is going to release their portable 3D enabled game system, codenamed “3DS,” anyway.
What’s funny about this is that Nintendo president Satoru Iwata admits that some have trouble seeing the 3D effect. According to 1UP, In a recent financial call to investors he said, “”This isn’t limited to just kids, but we’re aware one in some tens of people, including adults, has difficulty with three dimensional visuals.”
“So, while the 3D image is a special feature of the 3DS, we won’t force the player to use the 3D functionality. By making it so that the player can at all times play with [the 3D feature] off, we believe we can comply with those who have difficulty with the 3D view or those who are worried about their child’s eyes.”
Why would one with eye health concerns even buy a 3DS? And why play a 3D game when its switched off from its 3D mode? Doesn’t it seem like this system is targeted too sharply?
I’m all for Mario jumping out of the screen and punching my face, but I can’t see this having mass appeal. Then again, I said that about motion control and touchscreen game systems too.