1UP pointed this out a few days ago, but I think it needs reiterating on Destructoid — Chun Li’s hands are nightmarishly huge in Street Fighter IV. Did she just inject collagen directly between her fingers? Did she eat something she was allergic to? Is she pulling a Poison? I have to go with the latter.
There’s nothing wrong with transsexuals (they’re hot and you know it) but some people really should not make the jump from male to female. Like, for example, if they have hands the size of giant squids! It’s not just the hands either, but everything about Chun Li that crosses the line into pure male territory. Her arms are now bulked up considerably, resembling big, steroid-infested Chris Benoit limbs. Any sense of a waist also appears to have disappeared.
Just check out this screenshot and tell me that’s not in the least bit disturbing. Seeing such a mannish, hulking brute in a dress trying to act girly as if nobody has noticed the python arms and monstrous ham fists is creepy, to say the least. All I’ll say is, I dread to think of the view that Ryu gets the next time she does one of her signature moves …
Can anyone say Meatspinning Bird Kick?