Insomniac CEO is losing sleep over the way the press treats the PS3

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Speaking to GamesDaily Biz, Ted Price commented that the press has been less than cordial with their handling of PlayStation 3 news. According to Ted, the modern gaming journalist just might be a bit too harsh on Sony, and have somehow forgotten all the great things the brand has brought to the table:

“I think the PS3 has become the whipping boy for the press, quite honestly. I think everyone just wants to fill it full of arrows because Sony’s had some pretty amazing success over the years. And it’s easy to overlook that it’s been, I think, the fastest selling PlayStation console. I think it’s human nature to want to take down the guy on top, and Sony has definitely gotten its share of… mud [laughs] … but it’s unfortunate,” he said. 

“I wish people hadn’t been so ready to criticize Sony, because we’re certainly affected by that as well, since Resistance was synonymous with the PS3,” he continued. “Obviously, Sony has come out and said that there are things they could have done better, but I could say that about any of our games too. The fact is that PS3’s out there, it’s sold well, and we’re looking at an upcoming Christmas that should provide a lot of unique content to players, which is pretty exciting… and top among them Ratchet, of course.”

These are certainly some good points to keep in mind, while spewing negative karma in Sony’s direction. I think everyone is on the same page regarding Insomniac, who has proven themselves more than capable of producing some mighty fine games. The last thing any gaming journalist would ever want to do is cause them pain by proxy, so I guess we have no choice but to quit the Sony offensive. That is, if you actually believed there was one in the first place. Sony blazes their own path, and we just comment on what we see.

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