Infinity Blade II comes to Android … but it’s a fake

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The mobile game market is a treasure trove of interesting little bits of software, but such treasure is to be approached with all the care of a whip-wielding adventurer. Sometimes the best prizes aren’t all they’re cracked up to be — as anybody downloading the “Android version” of Infinity Blade II will find out. 

The game listed on Google Play is, unsurprisingly, a dirty fake. You’ll spend time downloading a gig of basically nothing after being made to earn fifty Tapjoy Points. Given the shadiness of the software, there could be malicious extras hiding in the download. In fact, it’s always best to assume it definitely does, and to steer well clear. 

This is your regular reminder that bad people live on the Internet.

Infinity Blade II out on Android? Nope – it’s a fake [Pocket Gamer]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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