Imagine that: Ueda says new Team ICO game will be like ICO

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According to MTV Multiplayer, During the “Evolving Game Design” panel at this year’s GDC, Suda51 ignited the crowd with applause by asking the question we’d all like to throw at his fellow panelist, Fumito Ueda: “When is your new game going to happen?” The Lead Designer for ICO and Shadow of the Colossus replied thusly:

“The Japan studio bosses are here so I can’t say anything specific, but it might be something similar to what’s been done. … The essence of the game is rather clsoe to Ico.”

And, after some further poking by Suda51,

“I can’t talk about this anymore! Don’t ask anymore questions please! As soon as I stop talking they’re going to shoot me!”

Well, that tells us nothing. Mr. Ueda, you have ruined my post, sir. You should be ashamed of yourself. Though I suppose it does shed just a pinhole of light on what we might expect from Team ICO’s next project, and that’s something more akin to ICO than it is SOTC. I have no complaints there, but I wish he’d spilled a few more beans. Anyone care to speculate and start wild rumors?

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Topher Cantler
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