I waited an hour and a half to play Gravity Rush PS4

Because I am stupid and I love it

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I was surprised at Tokyo Game Show. It wasn’t that there were melon-breasted anime women making out with each other in a trailer casually playing all about Sony’s booth. It was that the line for Gravity Rush (Gravity Daze here in glorious Nippon) PS4 in front of the trailer screen had the most people waiting. More than Bloodborne, more than Uncharted HD, which weirdly had prime real estate.

A lot of folks were up for Tearaway Unfolded, too, and good on ’em. It’s fabulous. It deserves a second life after the failed Vita, much like Gravity Rush. These were my favorite games of 2012 and 2013. I’m glad to see the reception here at the show.

Less glad that it meant I had to wait in line for an hour and a fucking half, mind. And that was with preparing myself for an advertised 40 minute wait. There’s a lot less press access at Tokyo Game Show (international, especially). But wait I did, mostly because I really god damn love Gravity Rush.

Look at this collector’s edition! I haven’t touched one since Catherine and didn’t expect to go for one again, but I’m getting real into this. The original box art, expanded across a giant box, a very nice figure, and then that new, minimal black and white art. So good. Maybe I should just buy some real big Gravity Rush art to hang.

Gravity Rush is already my favorite-looking game and it has translated perfectly to PlayStation 4. Anime blends into French comic aesthetic. Distinct regional skies are vibrant, varicolored oil paintings. Pointed line work serves as draw distance, as if the world was alive, sketching itself out in front of you as you soar about with the most invigorating locomotion.

The controls, too, felt fine. The DualShock 4 accurately replaces the Vita gyro and if you’re anything like me you “aim” the direction of gravity shifts with the sticks, anyways, and that’s maybe even a little easier with full-size analog sticks.

I’ll happily play the first again when it comes to PS4 (February 9, 2016 in the states) and thank existential crises that, two years after it was first teased, we finally got a trailer for Gravity Rush 2 (and 2016’s goty, c’mon).

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Steven Hansen
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