I spy some Super Mario Bros. world 1-1 in Disney Infinity

Make your own mock games

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The Toy Box is one of the coolest things about Disney Infinity. That may sound like kids stuff, but you’ll turn into a kid yourself when you see how powerful the creation tools are. In Toy Box, you’ll have access to all the characters, settings, and props you’d ever need, and you can use them to create your own games within the game. The logic tools are simple but powerful, and they let you make games like the ones you’ll see in this video.

There’s everything from football to racing in here. Check out 0:53 in the video and you’ll see Infinity’s version of Super Mario Bros. world 1-1 in action. It’s kind of cheating to reach the top of the flagpole as Buzz Lightyear, though. At 1:15 you’ll see something that reminds me of Pilotwings. Runners, top-down racers, shooters — just about anything you can think up.

Does Toy Box seem like something you’d like to play with?

About The Author
Dale North
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