I-Mockery’s list of the 50 greatest Arcade cabinets of all time

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The folks over at I-Mockery have put together a list of the 50 best arcade cabinets in videogame history. Yes, that’s right, this list isn’t based on the game itself, but rather on how unique/awesome/retarded the cabinet the game is housed in.

I’m not old enough to have been able to appreciate the glory of the arcade days, so going through this list was a nice little history lesson. Checking out some of these cabinets really makes me wish I were born a decade earlier. A few of my favorites include Crossbow where you used an actual crossbow to shoot, Super Off-Road where it had three steering wheel controllers, any of the cabinets that offered four to eight player controls (like TMNT, X-Men), and Arm Champs where you are actually arm wrestling against an arm. Of course my favorite by default is the Maneater cabinet that looks like a shark

This also really makes me wish that I was a billionaire so I can get all these rare arcade cabinets.  Head on over to I-Mockery and let us know what your favorite cabinets are. And be sure to check out cabinet number 24 called Guitar Freaks. The controls were two guitars and the game could even hook up to Drummania AND Keyboardmania arcade cabinets to form one super game. Now we know where the idea for Guitar Hero and Rock Band came from.

Coincidentally, as I was writing this post, Butmac C-Blogged about this horrendous scene. Rest in peace you gentle arcade cabinets.

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Hamza Aziz
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