But I’ve seen the light, and it looks an awful lot like an incoming ball
I never got much into my high school’s favorite rainy-day activity, dodgeball, but it was fun to half participate in, half watch. Our gym teacher would roll out carts full of fluffy, foamy, definitely-not-rubber balls and about twenty other dudes in my class would go to war for 45 minutes.
This isn’t normal dodgeball, though. It’s a Steam game called Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball, and it sounds much better based on this developer summary: “It plays like you enabled ‘all-throwing-knife’ mode in other shooters, and were all on skateboards, and at a rave.”
The user reviews are overwhelmingly positive, and after an extended stay in Steam Early Access, Disco Dodgeball is out now as a finished game for Windows, Mac, and Linux for $11.99. There’s a solo mode (featuring boss battles, delightfully enough), and you can also play against AI bots, but rounding up human friends and foes for bouts will surely be where the true fun emerges.
Published: Feb 19, 2015 07:00 pm