Hudson working on a new Bloody Roar game! (Update: Nope)

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[Update: Well, horrible news is in store for those who wanted to play with anthropomorphic furry pugilists. It appears the Twitter account was a fake. One that duped pretty much everybody online. It was just a joke, and there is no new Bloody Roar game coming. Sorry about that, guys. I’m sad now.]

Remember Bloody Roar, the fighting game in which people could transform into rabbits and boars? Well, in what might be the most surprising news of the weekend, it’s coming back! 

Hudson confirmed via Twitter that an all new Bloody Roar sequel is in production, with apparent plans to release it in 2012. There is no further news on what Hudson is currently calling Bloody Roar 5, but it’s certainly set the Internet afire with speculation. Or at least generated a warm glow of mild bemusement. 

I remember my brother playing Bloody Roar like crazy. I bet he’s excited. Are you?

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James Stephanie Sterling
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