Apex Legends offers Apex Packs which are essentially loot boxes that contain cosmetic items for your Legends and weapons in the game. Opening an Apex Pack rewards a player with three items which could be Legend or weapon skins, trackers, banners, or even currencies including Crafting Materials and Heirloom Shards.
The most valuable thing that can come out of an Apex Pack are Heirloom Shards. This is the rarest currency available in Apex Legends and it can only be obtained by opening Apex Packs. In Apex Legends, there is a 1 in 500 chance that an Apex Pack would have Heirloom Shards in it.
Respawn Entertainment has a mercy timer on this probability, meaning that players are bound to receive Heirloom Shards in Apex Legends by the time they open pack number 500. This means that if you are unlucky enough and you have not received Heirloom Shards in the first 499 packs you open, pack number 500 will have a 100% chance of rewarding you with Heirloom Shards.
There is no natural Apex Pack counter in the game, but players can find out how many packs they have opened with the help of Apex Legends Status’ Apex Packs Calculator. This website allows players to put in their account level and other details to help them calculate exactly how many packs they have opened until now.
This is why players often like to calculate how many packs they’ve opened in Apex Legends as it gives them an idea about how many packs they still have to open before they are guaranteed to have Heirloom Shards appear in an Apex Pack.
Check how many Apex Legends packs you have opened
- To know how many Apex Packs you have opened, head to Apex Legends Status’ Apex Packs Calculator page.Enter your account level, and mention how many packs you’ve purchased in Apex Legends so far (if any).
- The page also has Season-wise fields which ask for the battle pass you have reached in that Season. To know the battlepass level for each season, you can find it in the game by going to any Legend’s Banner section and you will find season-wise badges that will state the level of battlepass you reached in that season.
- List down all those battlepass levels and choose the “bought the battlepass” option for seasons where you had the premium battle pass.
- You will find the amounts of packs you’ve opened at the top of the page, alongside how many packs you still need to open for the guaranteed Heirloom Shards reward.