Loop8 Demon Sight
Loop8: Summer of Gods is finally here, and while it may not be getting great reviews, it just might be worth the trip if you’re looking for something completely different. You may not like it, but you likely won’t forget it anytime soon. If you’re planning to make the trip to Ashihara, there are a few things you should know before you go.
There are a variety of systems at play here, and the game doesn’t do the best job of explaining how everything works. That’s why we have online guides like this one to help players out. Even if it’s something that’s largely inconsequential, like Nini’s Demon Sight.
Nini, the protagonist of Loop8, has a natural Demon Sight ability that allows him to see the Kegai creatures and much more. The ability can be used in and out of battle to help players get the upper hand. In this guide, we’ll show you why you should use it now and then.
In battle, the Demon Sight ability helps players plan accordingly for each turn of the fight. There are two functions of this ability when you’re facing Kegai:
- Foresight lets you see what a character will say next. What a character says correlates to their next move, whether it’s an attack or casting some sort of buff.
- Celestial Sight shows you what a character’s special effect(s) is.
Most players will likely be able to ignore the feature for most of the game. The final two bosses you’ll face will probably have you leaning on Demon Sight just a bit, depending on your team build.

Outside of battle, you should see an icon at the bottom right of the screen that says “Look.” This is how you activate Demon Sight when you’re around Ashihara. Its use here is dependent on there being other people on screen with you. If you’re alone, it won’t work. But, if you zoom in on somebody, it’ll tell you their action, mood, and desire. Knowing this information may help you when picking conversation options, though Nini’s suggestions will likely be what you rely on most.
Even if you don’t feel you need to use Demon Sight, you should from time to time, as it can activate brief encounters that can build your bonds with other characters.
Published: Jun 6, 2023 12:01 am