How to solve the ‘What’s Behind that Smile’ Cult Stash puzzle in Alan Wake 2

Let’s put a smile on that face!

How to solve the 'What's Behind that Smile' Cult Stash puzzle in Alan Wake 2 box

Saga Anderson is up to her sweater in Cult Stash puzzles, some more challenging than others. There’s one in particular that’s thrown some for a loop. If you need to know how to solve the ‘What’s Behind that Smile’ Cult Stash puzzle in Alan Wake 2, here’s what to do.

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You can solve the ‘What’s Behind that Smile’ Cult Stash puzzle in the Return 3: Lost Girl chapter of Alan Wake 2. Most should stumble on the stash after fighting their way through Coffee World in Watery, solving safe puzzles along the way.

I managed to find it after paying a visit to the Kalevala Knights Workshop, but nothing is stopping you from discovering it long before. Remedy Entertainment snuck the stash behind the Huotari Well, which is between the workshop and the park.

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Find the mascot to solve the What’s Behind that Smile’ Cult Stash puzzle in Alan Wake 2

The What’s Behind That Smile stash has a piece of paper in a plastic bag taped to the top. It shows and tells you everything you need to know. The crudely drawn picture is of the Coffee World mascot (a smiling pot of coffee), which is standing under an arch. You’ll need to find the mascot somewhere in the park.

Luckily, it’s not too far from the stash location. Move to the right from the stash and head toward the park entrance. Take a sharp left into the park and then go right at the fork. You should immediately see the large Coffee World mascot statue through the mist.

How to solve the 'What's Behind that Smile' Cult Stash puzzle in Alan Wake 2 circling the mascot
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Head up the stairs to the left of the mascot. Here’s a map showing you the path to take:

How to solve the 'What's Behind that Smile' Cult Stash puzzle in Alan Wake 2 map with pathing
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Walk along the short fence until you come across an opening. Inside are two, large coffee mugs and a fork sticking into the ground. To the left of the mascot’s back and between the stone wall and tree is a key. Take it and go unlock the ‘What’s Behind that Smile’ Cult Stash.

How to solve the 'What's Behind that Smile' Cult Stash puzzle in Alan Wake 2 key location
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As for the reward, it’s your typical random smattering of usable items. The real reward is, of course, the Coffee World mascot-sized smile you get for finishing another cult stash puzzle. Best of luck with the rest of this chapter, because yikes.

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Cameron Woolsey
A contributing writer, Cam has been playing games for decades and writing about them for about 15 years. He specializes in action RPGs, shooters, and brawlers, but will always make a little bit of time for indies and classics.
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