How to solve the Coffee World safe code puzzle in Alan Wake 2

What’s a tracker?

Coffee World safe code puzzle in Alan Wake 2 safe front

Saga makes her way into the somewhat dreary town of Watery in the chapter, Return 3: Local Girl. She learns she has a trailer, but getting the key to it won’t be easy. You first need to solve the Coffee World safe code puzzle in Alan Wake 2.

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The Koskela brothers clearly have a soft spot for puzzles. Or maybe it’s just Ilmo? Either way, Ilmo has locked Saga’s trailer keys in the Coffee World gift shop safe, but neglected to share the code. To figure it out, you must solve a clever puzzle that takes a bit of thinking and some math. Don’t worry, it’s not complicated math.

Alan Wake 2 teaches bean counting to solve the Coffee World safe code puzzle

Making it to the kinda-sad Coffee World location is tough enough on its own. You had Taken to fight, and likely had to stop to solve some riddles. Making it to the gift shop was a hassle, and now you’re presented with a brain teaser.

To open the safe behind the counter, you need to solve Ilmo’s puzzle for the three-digit code needed. Thanks to the frustrations of his brother, Jaakko, Ilmo did leave a hint: “Tracker, Lookout, Cleaner.” Well damn, that doesn’t help at all.

Coffee World safe code puzzle in Alan Wake 2 hint

To solve the mystery, you actually need the help of the Coffee World staff — in a way. Look up and spot the board of staff members across the way:

Coffee World safe code puzzle in Alan Wake 2 staff board circled

Head over and check out the team members. You have Anna, who works the concession stand, and Thomas, the ride operator, among others. Every staffer also has a number of coffee beans attached to their photo. That might be a clue.

Coffee World safe code puzzle in Alan Wake 2 staff board

Now, let’s think about the hint some more: “Tracker, Lookout, Cleaner.” The hint is basically asking you to find the worker positions that best suit each title. Here are the words in the hint and the respective job positions/workers:

  • Tracker: Lost and Found (Susan)
  • Lookout: Security (Joonas)
  • Cleaner: Janitor (Victor)

By counting the coffee beans attached to each photo, we get our code: 1-4-6.

Saga will need to return to Coffee World to progress the story. If you’re stuck trying to find the fuse for the Espresso Express, hit up our guide.

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Cameron Woolsey
A contributing writer, Cam has been playing games for decades and writing about them for about 15 years. He specializes in action RPGs, shooters, and brawlers, but will always make a little bit of time for indies and classics.
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