The Wayward Sky in Wuthering Waves
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How to show Davide an Echo in Wuthering Waves 2.0

An odd problem with a simple solution.

Wuthering Waves 2.0 introduced a large number of new quests, and one such quest involves showing an NPC named Davide two different Echoes. Despite this being seemingly straightforward, it isn’t thanks to the roundabout way have to do so, to earn quest credit.

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How do you show Davide an Echo in Wuthering Waves?

For the side quest, Skyward Voyage, you will be tasked with showing Davide two different Echoes for him to complete his various attempts to soar into the sky with his trusty gondola Echo partner. If this sounds strange, know that it certainly is, but since an Asterite reward is involved, you’ll want to see this through regardless of what happens next.

That said, your first instinct may be to equip the requested Echo and use your Echo Skill ability to ‘show off the Echo’. Unfortunately, while this does technically meet the quest step criteria, you will not gain any quest progress this way. Instead, you will need to make use of a likely forgotten Utility tool in your arsenal to complete this properly: the Projector.

The Projector Tool in Wuthering Waves
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If you don’t know what the Projector tool is or does, I don’t blame you. It is hardly used at all in Wuthering Waves beyond cosmetics purposes, and there is hardly a time you need it equipped on your Toolbar. Nevertheless, Davide wants to see his requested Echoes via the Projector, so first equip the correct Echo in your main Echo slot so that the Projector knows what to project. Then, select it from your Utilities and use the Tool button to provide Davide with sufficient Echo imagery.

Upon doing so, you’ll be greeted with quest progress and a cutscene showing Davide’s attempts to soar. You’ll have to do this twice before the quest moves on to different criteria.

Where to Capture the Echoes for Davide in Wuthering Waves?

Davide will attempt to fly through the sky three different times, with two times requiring you to show him a different Echo. The first Echo you’ll need to show off is a Cuddle Wuddle, an Echo that looks like a buff demonic teddy bear. Crazy description, sure, but it’s true.

Cuddle Wuddle Echo in Wuthering Waves
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Cuddle Wuddles are one of the most common Echoes in Rinascita, and chances are if you’ve made it to Davide, you already have a few of them. If not, and these overgrown bears have simply eluded you, you can find them literally scattered all over Rinascita, in the wilderness of every zone. To capture one, simply kill it and hope for its Echo to appear. If it doesn’t, simply keep killing them until one does.

The second Echo you’ll need to show Davide is a Fae Ignis, which appears like a ghosty serpentine avian.

Fae Ignis Echo in Wuthering Waves
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Unlike Cuddle Wuddles, Fae Ignis are far less common and are harder to find. Generally speaking, the best place to find Fae Ignis in abundance is on the island of Penitent’s End. Fae Ignis can be seen from a distance, whether you’re on foot or airborne, thanks to the haunting purple aura that surrounds them. While you can occasionally find them rarely elsewhere, Penitent’s End has them in heavy numbers and they are difficult to miss.

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Image of Darrus Myles
Darrus Myles
Darrus, a seasoned guide writer and indie developer with nearly a decade under his belt, plunges into the gaming realm like a knight charging into battle (albeit with a trusty keyboard instead of a sword). With RPGs as his domain, he fearlessly slays industry challenges, turning every obstacle into XP for his quest to game domination.