No Sim lives forever, and that’s just what the newest expansion pack, Life and Death, is all about. Your Sims can become well acquainted with death in this pack, by becoming a Grim Reaper, reincarnating, and more.
But, what about the Sims the dearly departed left behind? They hold a funeral, of course. We’re here to show you everything you need to know about holding a funeral in The Sims 4.
How to plan a funeral in The Sims 4 Life and Death
First things first, a Sim must die. After that, you can click on their urn to begin planning the event. Luckily, the deceased Sim doesn’t have to be a part of the household, or even friends with your Sim, so long as their urn is nearby.
You can also set up a funeral from the calendar, by choosing a date and selecting to add a funeral event.
You’ll get the popup to plan the event, which is similar to other events in The Sims 4 like weddings and birthday parties. You’ll choose who to invite, and the dress code, and you can even hire mourners to attend.
There are two other tabs, one to choose the activities you need to complete at the funeral such as eulogies, toasts, and more. You need at least three activities. The other tab lets you choose the location for the funeral, typically at a cemetery, but you can also hold them in certain public locations like parks.
How to host a funeral in The Sims 4 Life and Death
During the actual funeral, the attendees with show up at the location you’ve picked and begin typical funeral activities. Depending on what you planned, you’ll need to complete all the activities you’ve chosen in order to have a successful funeral.
You can earn higher badges for funerals though, by completing extra activities listed in the top left underneath how much time is left for the event. This, again, is very similar to how previously existing events work in the game, although Life and Death throws a few new activities in.
You can mourn at the Sim’s casket, give a eulogy at the podium, light candles for the deceased, and interact with their friends and family to share your grief.
After the funeral is over, you’re still able to mourn for the deceased Sim at their gravesite, or their urn if you choose to keep them in there. If the deceased Sim still lingers around in a ghostly form, you can choose to free their soul from the Netherworld and allow them to move on. However, you’ll no longer be able to interact with them as a ghost. Regardless if they’re a ghost or not, though, you can still mourn them.