Starfield‘s early access release has already proven to be a massive success for Bethesda Game Studios, given the game’s rave reviews. But that doesn’t mean the whole shindig is totally without fault. As a prime example, Starfield does not have an in-game FOV slider of any sort. It’s a perplexing omission, to be sure, but it’s not all bad news!
Notably, modders have already jumped at the opportunity to offer ways for fixing Starfield‘s FOV quickly and easily. However, what if we told you that you did not, in fact, need to download a third-party mod in the first place?

Increase FOV in Starfield without mods
Starfield is built on Bethesda’s all-new Creation Engine 2, which should feel exceedingly familiar to anyone who’s spent time modding and tweaking Bethesda’s older flagship RPGs. Notably, virtually all the command list arguments from Skyrim and Fallout 4 work in Starfield, too. This means changing the FOV is easy as pie, as long as you know the right commands. Thankfully, modder BlueDaedricDragon has posted them live for anyone to check out!
To fine-tune your in-game FOV in first-person and third-person cameras, go to ‘Documents/My Games/Starfield’ and create an all-new text file called ‘StarfieldCustom.ini’. Open your new .ini file and copy/paste the following text exactly as shown below:
What is The Perfect FOV Setting for Starfield – How to Change your FOV
When that’s done, just hit save, exit the file, and start Starfield to see if the value works for you. Remember: you can always bump your FOV up or down depending on your preferences, but 100 is a solid starting value for most players.
Those who’ve been trying to tweak their FOV may have come across a shorter two or three-line command that does work, but it doesn’t increase your weapon view FOV alongside the camera FOV. This set of commands, however, does both things at once, making the whole thing that much nicer in motion.
Though the Starfield Nexus page is already brimming with mods mere hours after the game’s early access release, the majority of them are relatively simple and/or easy to execute via .ini file edits. Bethesda’s Creation Kit editing software isn’t out yet, so the truly complex mods are still a ways away. In the interim, that does mean that you don’t necessarily have to rely on someone else to fine-tune your early Starfield gaming experience, as we’ve shown with the FOV tweak featured above. Have fun!
Published: Sep 1, 2023 10:21 am