Remnant 2: The Dark Horizon is absolutely choc-full of aggressive beasties that will, given half a chance, tear you apart. The thing is, the DLC also has a few friendly faces, and Spark is the nicest of them all. Spark is also very useful, as it ends up becoming a vendor!
Now, before Spark gets to be a vendor for you back on Remnant 2‘s post-apocalyptic Earth, there’s the obvious issue of The Dark Horizon‘s big bad: the Alepsis-Taura entity. While it’s certainly a bummer that The Dark Horizon is the final DLC Remnant 2 will be getting, I am thrilled to report that it is an excellent piece of content that helps make sense of what’s actually gone down with the Dryzyr. Hint: it’s appropriately Lovecraftian in nature!
Who is Spark in Remnant 2?
Spark is very much an understated aspect of The Dark Horizon until the very end. This loveable bot is going to pop up here and there to dispense Dryzyr poetry for no good reason and generally be a spark of cheer in the grim far future of N’Erud. Otherwise, its purpose is only hinted at, and won’t be all that relevant until very late in the DLC’s narrative.
Spark was designed specifically to be a planetary exploration and cataloging bot. This would all be nice and well had the Dryzyr not existed in a universe where there was no other life to be found. Spark’s existence is, as such, a bit of a cruel joke that becomes apparent as part of the Prototype Head questline. Notably, both Spark and the Prototype were made by the same Dryzyr scientist, and he was a bit… special. So, how do we actually help Spark get away from N’Erud?
How to help Spark get to Earth?
It’s really simple: you have to kill the Alepsis-Taura entity. Well, not kill as such, but you do get to humble the cosmic ultrahedron for a little while, which is satisfying enough. Spark cannot move on from N’Erud until Alepsis-Taura has been taken down a notch, and so the obvious thing to do is to move on with the main Dark Horizon quest and simply defeat the end boss.
This whole thing is a fairly straightforward task, honestly. The Alepsis-Taura entity is quite challenging even for a Remnant 2 boss, but it comes with a satisfying fight whose end result is the fact that you get to take Spark with you.
In the end, Spark ends up settling as Ward 13’s latest vendor. She works as a replicator of exotic goods, and so, you get to bring her various thingamajigs from Remnant 2‘s three main worlds to unlock usable items. It’s a fair trade, all things considered.