Despite its name, the Pixie Tears flower is all sugar. Here’s how to grow Pixie Tears in Botany Manor.
How to Grow Pixie Tears in Botany Manor
Once you reach the orchards, you’ll have a brand-new flower to discover: the Pixie Tears! If you want the quick solution on how to get it to bloom, use the Knobby Russet, Kingston Black, and Lord Peckover at the press with the Pixie Tears on the nearby stand. But if you’d like a more in-depth description, read on.

First, we’ll need to collect five clues.
- Clue 1: Pot Notes. Found in the shed in the orchard.
- Clue 2: Microscope Slides. Beneath the overhand in the orchard. Open the suitcase.
- Clue 3: Chloroplast Book. Beneath the overhand in the orchard. On the table.

One of the most important clues for unraveling the Pixie Tears’ secret is the first one. Head right from the orchard’s entrance and you’ll see a wooden shack. Enter it, and you’ll find the Pixie Tear seeds on the left counter and clue one, pot notes on the right. These notes are important because it tells you that for a standard pot, you’ll need 97 grams of extra nutrition.

Head to the shaded porch-like area opposite the gazebo and you’ll find a table. Open the suitcase and inspect the slide third to the right to find the Pixie Tears slide. Inspect the book on Chloroplasts and you’ll find an image that’s identical to the Pixie Tears cells. From this, we can glean that the Pixie Tears flower needs sugar to grow.

From the porch, head left, and through the closed door to get to the cider press area. Inspect the counter on the right and find the Apple Blending note. Here, we can see how much sugar content each apple has. Because we need to add 97 grams of sugar to the Pixie Tears flower pot, we’ll need to find a combination of apples that will reach that. There are multiple options, but I used the following:
- Knobby Russet – 40 G
- Kingston Black – 35 G
- Lord Peckover – 22 G

Now that we know what apples we want to use, head over to the wall to the left to see an infographic that shows apple images and their names. Memorize the three apples you need, then look around the counters to find them. You can only carry one apple at a time, so when you’ve found one you need, put it on the stone press. Next, place your pot of Pixie Tears beneath the cider presses’ spout and turn the handle. If you find that the combination of apples I gave you doesn’t work, double check that you used the Lord Peckover apple and not the Seymour’s Delight. They look very similar!
Now, while we’re in the orchard, it’s a good time to tackle one of the most challenging flowers yet: the Wolfglove! Or perhaps you missed a clue for the Ash Plume, like I first did?
Published: Apr 9, 2024 09:30 am