Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Magic Key
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How to get the Magic Key in Dragon Quest 3

Can't keep you out.

The second key in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake is the Magic Key, and while I’d argue getting the Thief’s Key is pretty straightforward, the Magic Key is less so. Not in a way that you’re likely to miss it, but it’s totally possible to make it more complicated by overthinking things. If you’re ever going to get a ship in Portoga, you need the Magic Key, and this is how you get it.

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The Magic Key is a key (heh) requirement to even getting to Portoga. If you want to head directly West from Romaria and continue the story, you’re going to need it. The Magic Key is located in the Pyramids North of Ibis. To get there, you go East from Romaria, across the bridge, then south. You’ll hit the town of Asham, then head West.

Eventually, you’ll find a big desert. In the South of the desert, you’ll find Ibis, while in the North is the pyramid. Climb the pyramid, defeat the boss, and you’ll get your key.

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D map of desert
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How to complete the Pyramid in Dragon Quest 3

In order to complete the pyramid, you’ll first want to look out for false information. Even figuring out that the key was located there, I had to ask around. I found Ortega had been looking for it in Ashram. A person in Ashram told me a guy living in a swamp between there and Ibis knew where it was. He told me the pyramids. Total waste of time since obviously I was going to the pyramids eventually. It’s one of the most conspicuous spots on the map! I just figured I’d need the key, but clearly not.

Anyway, one bit of information you should get is some children in Ibis Castle who have a rhyme that, initially, might not have any meaning to you, but relates to a puzzle in the pyramid. You’re hear already, so you might as well not worry about it, but I got through it by guessing, so it’s not absolutely necessary, anyway.

In general, the pyramid isn’t too mind-bending. You essentially just want to make sure you’re going upward, but feel free to grab any loot you can get your hands on. There’s a side door west of the entrance that takes you down into a chamber where you can steal some treasure. It’s also where you’ll land if you step on the scales in the first area. Speaking of which, don’t step on the scales symbols on the floor. The floor will give way and dump you into the basement.

Dragon Quest 3 Pyramid 3rd Floor
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On the third floor is the puzzle the children are singing about. East and West of the stairs are two sets of two buttons. They look kind of like manhole covers. Basically, you want to press the outermost buttons. So, on the West side, hit the Westmost button. On the East side, hit the Eastmost button. The game will comment that you heard a sound (along with the sound), which signifies the gate in the center has dropped.

Go through the gate, and you’ll find a little stage with an evil dude and two chests. The dude (Ripper of the Rift) will enter battle flanked by two Kyllas. I recommend you prioritize taking them out first, as they will keep healing the main boss. Defeat them, and you’ll be awarded with the Magic Key.

Dragon Quest 3 Ripper of the Rift
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What do you do with the Magic Key

The Magic Key can be used to open silvery-blue doors. In particular, you’ll want to use it at the checkpoint West of Romaria to proceed to Portoga. If you’ve made note of other impassable doors, you may want to go back to them, but there is still one key left to go.

However, before you leave the pyramid, you’ll want to check out the fourth floor. In there is a statue with a large number of chests around it. Obviously, this looks too good to be true, and it sort of is. Each time you open a chest, it will trigger a battle. However, the battles you’re put through aren’t anything harder than the random ones you’ve been dealing with while climbing the pyramid, so open away. Once you’re done, you can exit via the stairs and slide down the pyramid to escape.

You may also want to return to Aliahan to raid their storeroom. There’s a door there that can be opened with the Magic Key, and the room behind it contains six chests. There’s a guard there that says he’ll turn a blind eye, so just help yourself!

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Image of Zoey Handley
Zoey Handley
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Zoey is a gaming gadabout. She got her start blogging with the community in 2018 and hit the front page soon after. Normally found exploring indie experiments and retro libraries, she does her best to remain chronically uncool.