Life in Stardew Valley is about so much more than planting potatoes and building fences. If you’d like some additional company on your farm besides the chickens and cows, you might want to consider the possibilities of dating and marriage.
Married villagers can help you by watering crops, feeding animals, and making breakfast. They’ll also give you a Stardrop, which permanently increases your energy. In multiplayer, you can also craft a wedding ring and give it to your favorite Player 2. Cue the Princess Bride references.
All Stardew Valley Marriage Candidates
If you’re playing single player but you’re tired of being single, there are six eligible bachelors in town: Alex, Elliot, Harvey, Sam, Sebastian, and Shane.
There are of course six eligible bachelorettes as well: Abigail, Emily, Haley, Leah, Maru, and Penny.
Each of Pelican Town’s marriage candidates will have two hearts greyed out in the social menu, whereas other characters will already have ten hearts unlocked. Same-sex dating and marriage is available.
The Stardew Valley Dating Scene

To get started, you’ll first need to get eight friendship hearts with the partner of your choice. To do this, greet them each day and give them two of their favorite gifts per week. Inviting them to the movie theater and completing item delivery quests will also aid in increasing your connection.
The day after reaching eight hearts with your potential partner, you’ll receive a letter in the mail from Pierre, who will let you know that his shop now has beautiful flower bouquets in stock. How timely! Drop by his shop at your earliest convenience and purchase one for 200g. Then, give the bouquet to your partner, who will of course be delighted. In the social menu, you’ll notice that the character has now become either your girlfriend or boyfriend, and that their last two hearts are now unlocked.
Marriage and Proposals
Once you’ve worked your way up to ten friendship hearts with your intended, you’ll get a letter from Mayor Lewis, who tells you you’ll need to give your partner a Mermaid’s Pendant if you want to get married. The pendant costs 5000g, and to purchase one, you’ll need to upgrade your farmhouse at least once. You’ll also need 300 wood to upgrade the bridge on the right side of the beach. The bridge leads to the tide pools, where you’ll find the Old Mariner, who will appear and sell you the pendant on rainy or stormy days. You can’t buy the pendant in Winter unless you have a Rain Totem.
Once you’ve purchased the Mermaid’s Pendant, give it to your boyfriend or girlfriend to get engaged. The wedding will take place three days after engagement, unless there is an event happening in town, in which case it will take place the day after. A room dedicated to your spouse will now appear in your house, and you’ll be able to take your relationship with them all the way up to fourteen hearts. Now that’s commitment!
How to Get a Wedding Ring in Stardew Valley
To propose marriage to another player, you’ll need to craft a wedding ring. First, purchase the recipe from the Traveling Cart that appears in the forest area south of your farm on Fridays and Sundays. The recipe costs 500g and requires five iridium bars and one prismatic shard. These are unfortunately not the easiest items to come by.
Iridium bars can occasionally be purchased from the Traveling Cart or found in Golden Fishing Chests. However, the fastest way to get them is to craft them by smelting five iridium ore and one coal in a furnace. While iridium ore can occasionally be found on the lowest levels of the Mine, it drops most often from Omni Geodes and the rocks and monsters of the Skull Cavern. These same sources also drop the coveted Prismatic Shard, though at lower rates. For a more complete rundown of where to find this nice shiny rock, check out our guide on how to get Prismatic Shard in Stardew Valley.
Once you’ve crafted the wedding ring, give it to your partner to get engaged. Just like in single player, the wedding will take place three days after the engagement starts. Don’t forget to dress up in your finest clothes!
Published: Jul 13, 2024 09:00 am