Among the plethora of characters and items that debuted as part of the Vampire Survivors Ode to Castlevania DLC, none is more unusual than the Parm Aegis, which will boost your invulnerability and must be used to acquire the game-changing Stellar Blade.
But unlike most would expect, you can get the item within minutes after diving into Dracula’s backyard. Here’s how to get the Parm Aegis in Vampire Survivors, as well as what you need to do to unlock the Stellar Blade.
How to get the Parm Aegis in Vampire Survivors
You can get the Parm Aegis in Vampire Survivors by either selecting it through the Arma Dio or finding it within Dracula’s Castle in the Castlevania map. Regarding the latter, you will be able to find the item by heading to the spot highlighted in the image below, located north of the Giant Medusa Head boss area. After acquiring the passive weapon in any of the ways above, you will be able to unlock it as a level-up/chest reward by raising its level to five during the run.
If you haven’t unlocked it yet, you can get the map for the Ode of Castlevania stage by heading west of its starting point and east from the Behemoth boss seal. Like all of the castle keys in Ode to Castlevania, the map’s effect will be valid for all the runs following its acquisition, so make sure to get it asap.
How to make the Stellar Blade in Vampire Survivors
A clear homage to Maxim Kischine’s Stellar Sword, first shown in Harmony of Dissonance, I was able to make the Stellar Blade in Vampire Survivors by opening a chest after leveling both the Parm Aegis and the Discus to their respective maximum levels. You can get the Discus in Vampire Survivors by taking a hidden path above the northmost corridor in the Dracula’s Castle Library. Raising the weapon’s level to five during a run will unlock it as a chance reward after both leveling up or opening chests.
Now that you know how to get the Parm Aegis and make the Stellar Blade, I also highly recommend checking out how to unlock all of the new characters available as part of Ode to Castlevania.