Warframe Spectral Serration on Loki Prime
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How to get and use Spectral Serration in Warframe 1999

Your foes can't see how much damage this will do to them.

Spectral Serration is one of a few new mods that came out in the Warframe 1999 update. If you’re a fan of stealthy gameplay, this is going to be right up your alley.

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How to get Spectral Serration in Warframe

To get Spectral Serration in Warframe, you have to fight against the Scaldra faction in the 1999 Hollvania area. They are the humanoid enemies with the orange suits and toxic tanks.

Specifically, you have to kill the Dedicants and Eradicators. They each have a slight chance of dropping the mod. 

With that being the case, play missions that specifically denote the Scaldra faction. For bounties, you can see if you’re going up against them or the Techrot. If you choose Techrot, you won’t face any Scaldra and will mostly be underground. Scaldra troops are fought on the surface.

The best missions to do this are the Survival ones, as enemies will be endless.

According to the game’s drop tables, mods only have a 2% chance to drop per Dedicant or Eradicator killed, plus another 4.76% chance of it being dropped from their loot tables. In actuality, you’ll have less than a 0.1% chance of getting Spectral Serration, making it an extremely rare mod.

Using frames that can reroll or create additional loot like Nekros, Hydroid, or Khora will help increase your chances significantly.

Warframe Scaldra Eradicator
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How to use Spectral Serration in Warframe

Once you get your hands on this mod (somehow), it’s best to use it on frames like Loki, Ash, Octavia, and Ivara. Build them with as much ability duration as possible so you can be invisible longer. 

Since Spectral Serration gives you damage while invisible, you’ll get the benefit of this mod in that form.

This would be helpful during Capture missions, Eidolon hunts, bossing, and other content where you’d have to take out tanky targets. 

Lastly, this does take up the spot for a normal Serration mod, meaning you can’t use both at the same time. Use one or the other. The game will prevent you from using both.

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Image of Elliott Gatica
Elliott Gatica
Contributing Writer - Elliott has been writing about video games since he was in high school. Carrying that momentum forward, he has now appeared in outlets such as App Trigger, Attack of the Fanboy, and now Destructoid. He focuses heavily on Warframe, but he is also an avid fan of fighting games and shooters. When he isn't here, he's probably getting salty in Mortal Kombat 1 or climbing the competitive ranks with his friends on Overwatch 2.