In Anime Vanguards, Igris, also known as Igros or his evolved form, Igris the Elite Knight, is one of the strongest units in the entire game. Up there with Alucard the Vampire King, Igris has the potential to trivialize most of the content in the tower defense. Here is how to get Igros in Anime Vanguards and the best way to make use of the unit.
How to get Igris in Anime Vanguards
To get Igris in Anime Vanguards, you will need to farm him by completing Act 3 of the Double Dungeon Legend Stage. To do this, you must complete a series of steps, starting with completing the 6 story missions for each of the 3 stages. Once you complete all three story stages, you’ll unlock Legend Stages. To navigate to them, click the Legend Stages box at the bottom next to the Story box when choosing a mission. There are currently two Legend Stages: Sand Village, and Double Dungeon. You need to clear the levels for Sand Village and then the first two acts of Double Dungeon to unlock the third act titled Double Dungeon Disaster. It’s recommended that you are at least Level 20 to complete the Legend Stages.
Once you unlock Double Dungeon Disaster, you need to complete the stage. Upon doing so you will have a 0.75% chance of receiving the secret unit Igris. As you can imagine, unless you are extremely lucky, this will require a serious amount of clears on Double Dungeon Disaster to unlock Igris. If you have average luck, this will take about 134 runs. However, because it is simply based on chance, it could take you one clear or hundreds.
You can unlock Igris in Anime Vanguards by following these steps:
- Complete all 18 normal story stages, 6 for each act.
- Clear all the levels of Sand Village and the first 2 Acts for the Double Dungeon Legend Stage.
- Successfully clear Act 3, Double Dungeon Disaster, for a 0.75% chance to receive Igris.
- If you get the drop, congratulations! If not, you will need to continuously repeat Step 3 until you do.
Best way to use Igris
The best way to use Igris in Anime Vanguards is to level him up and then evolve him into his Igris (Elite Knight) form. This is an extremely powerful unit, arguably the most powerful in the entire game. With this powerful unit, you can start to farm the Gems needed to start gathering the rest of your Summons and leveling them accordingly.
You can also start to farm for the other secret unit, Alucard, which can be very complimentary to Igris. With the two of them and a few solid support units such as Sprintwagon or Alligator, you can really dominate most of the Infinite Stages with the use of Igris.