One of the first Pokemon Go Battle Weeks of 2024 introduced Annihilape, an evolution of an original 151 favorite. Like most creatures, this Fighting/Ghost-type showcases a Shiny version that can be challenging to acquire. We’re here to help you with the endeavor by explaining how to get a Shiny Annihilape in Pokemon Go.
Where to find Shiny Annihilape in Pokemon Go
The best way to get a Shiny Annihilape in Pokemon Go is by evolving a Shiny Mankey or Primeape. However, catching these creatures requires a bit of luck due to their low spawn rates. If you happen to catch a Shiny Mankey, evolve it with 50 Candy to produce a Shiny Primeape (for those who don’t have it already.)

Next, defeat 30 Ghost or Psychic-types with the Shiny Primeape as your buddy and feed it 100 Candy. According to Niantic, the Primeape doesn’t need to actually participate in the battle, so other creatures can be used in the party. This will then turn the Pokemon into a Shiny Annihilape.
Shiny or not, the Annihilape can be a beast on the battlefield, thanks to its heavy-hitting attacks. Movesets like Counter, Close Combat, and Shadow Ball can take down enemies quickly. Since the Annihilape is both a Fighting and Ghost type, it’s strong against Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, Dark, Psychic, and other Ghost types.
It may also be possible to catch a Shiny Annihilape out in the wilds, but unfortunately, it is extremely rare. You can still try placing Lures at PokeStops to see if anything appears. At most, a Shiny Mankey could trigger to help with the evolution, yet, as always, it all involves luck.
Published: Mar 7, 2024 02:30 pm