One of the most fun things to do in The Sims series is to mess around with the game world and its inhabitants. That raw joy you get from playing God in any sandbox dates all the way back to Sim City for me, but as time went on, studios added more and more tools (and mods!) to customize that experience. Here’s how to enable cheats in The Sims 4 and a few cheats to get you started.
Activating cheats in The Sims 4, explained
On PC, enabling cheats is as simple as pressing the ‘Ctrl + Shift + C’ keys while playing in a session, which will bring up the Cheat Console. The Cheat Console itself (a white dialogue box) is very small, but we’ve highlighted where it appears on the screen below.

On consoles, you’ll press all four shoulder buttons (for instance, L2, R2, L1, and R1 on PlayStation) to enable the Cheat Console. It’s also a good idea to enter ‘testingcheats on’ since some cheats need it to work successfully.
From there, you can enter unique Sims 4 cheat codes that will get you more stuff or help break the game’s rules. That’s it! Cheat to your heart’s content.
Best Sims 4 cheats to use
The most popular cheats in The Sims 4 typically involve Simoleons or object placement, as listed below:
- Rosebud or Kaching – Earn 1,000 Simoleons
- Motherlode – Earn 50,000 Simoleons
- Money (enter number here) – Enter a set number for the Sim’s income
- FreeRealEstate On – Move into any lot for free
- bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement – Free locked career items
- testingcheats true (while clicking on the ground) – Teleport Sims
- testingcheats true (while clicking on a Sim) – Change a Sim’s mood
- bb.moveobjects on – Move an object anywhere
- bb.showhiddenobjects – Unlock objects even if they’ve left the game seasonally
- cas.fulleditmode – Adjust all Create a Sim features whenever you want
- bb.showhiddenobjects – Unlock hidden items in the Build/Buy catalog
- aspirations.complete_current_milestone – Instantly complete a Sim’s current milestone
- sims.give_satisfaction_points (enter number here) – Increase Satisfaction points for Rewards Store
- resetSim [first name][last name] – Resets a Sim when stuck (without the [])
- sims.fill_all_commodities – Fills up all Sim needs
- stats.fill_all_commodities_household – Fill the needs of the entire household
- careers.promote (career name) – Give a Sim a promotion
The Free Real Estate cheat allows users to access locked areas that Sims can’t afford. So, even if you don’t have the means to buy a place, the cheat bypasses this so you can live a life of luxury right from the start.
CAS Full Edit Mode is another good one to try since it gives the player full range in CAS, primarily with traits. To adjust this, hold Shift and select the Sim to trigger ‘Modify in CAS’. Selecting a mirror object works, too, whenever you feel like changing things up.

To give you an example of the career promotion cheat, I used ‘careers.promote doctor’ to get to the next step. Even if the Sims has another job title, this enhancement only pertains to their career pathway and not their current role.
Does enabling cheats in The Sims 4 disable console achievements/trophies?
Yes! Outside of build mode, you won’t get achievements/trophies for enabling cheats, as per EA. PC and console players will be impacted by this, so keep that in mind before going forward. Fortunately. this does not affect other saves, so Simmers can do a separate playthrough to get those achievements.
Published: Mar 5, 2024 10:10 am