While many Stroll n’ Patrol missions are fairly cut and dried, there are a handful that can be a… handful. The Hidden One’s Challenge in particular can be tricky, but here’s how to complete it in Like a Dragon Gaiden.
The premise is simple: It’s hide-and-seek, but with a kid hiding away in three locations around Sotenbori. Don’t worry, it’s not too touch in the end. The kid offers hints that point you in the right direction. And deciphering the riddles is key to completing the Hidden One’s Challenge.

Solve three riddles to complete the Hidden One’s Challenge in Like a Dragon Gaiden
The first request is available when you spot a boy to the left of the Akame HQ door. He’ll have an exclamation mark over him on the map and an eyeball icon above his head in-game. Walk up to him for a chat and he’ll proclaim himself the ‘Hidden One’ and challenge Joryu to try and catch him. He’ll then disappear, leaving you to join the chase. It’s a three-part request, and you get separate cards with their own hints and rewards. The ‘Details’ section of the request cards contains the hint for the location.
First hiding spot
Here’s the hint for the first location:
I’m in a place where the far away can whisper in your ear. But hurry now, before they all disappear!
Channeling my boomer powers, I can ascertain that the Hidden One is hiding in a phone booth. That makes things rather easy, especially since phone booths aren’t exactly common in modern Like a Dragon games. There’s one in particular in Sotenbori, and it’s located next to the Shofukucho Parking Lot on S Shofukucho Street.

You can spot him hiding between the booth and the out-of-bounds area.

Reward: 600 Akame Points.
Second hiding spot
The second hiding spot will, apparently, not “be so easy.” We’ll see about that. Here’s the second hint:
Hmm, maybe in an alley will do, but what’s that smell? Something crispy and of the sea… I’m suddenly craving, takoyaki!
Okay, so this second location could be a bit hard to figure out. We need to track down a place that sells takoyaki. Luckily for me, I’ve spent enough time in Sotenbori over the years playing these games that I know exactly where to go. There’s a takoyaki stand on the northeast side of Sotenbori called Kukuru. And there just so happens to be an alley just next to it.

Look in the alley to find the Hidden One:

Reward: 700 Akame Points.
Third hiding spot
The final hiding spot will likely be the one that leaves you pondering the longest. Let’s figure out where to go after checking the hint:
Now I’m pullin’ out all the stops, I can even hide inside the shops! So come here to wash your clothes all clean, but don’t forget to visit the snack machine!
Based on the clue, we can correctly guess that the Hidden One is in a laundromat somewhere. But.. where, exactly? You can track down the building by pulling up the map and checking the names of all the local businesses. There, to the right of Ashitaba Park, is the Wanpark Clothier. That’s where we need to go.

You’ll find the Hidden One inside the laundromat, crouching low behind a trash can.

Speak with him, and you’ve successfully completed the Hidden One’s Challenge request in Like a Dragon Gaiden.
Reward: 800 Akame Points.
Published: Nov 29, 2023 02:14 pm