Dual Destiny is a cooperative quest in Destiny 2 that will test your coordination skills. Here’s what you and your partner will need to do to beat Dual Destiny and get the exotic class item reward.
If you don’t have access to Dual Destiny yet, we have a separate guide on how to unlock this quest.
Dual Destiny fireteam requirements
In order to start the Dual Destiny quest, you’ll need a fireteam of two players. You can be any class, but one player has to be a Light subclass (Arc, Solar, Void) and the other must be a Darkness subclass (Stasis, Strand). Prismatic can count for either Light or Darkness, depending on what your party needs.
When you begin the quest, you’ll see your alignment in the bottom left corner. This won’t change throughout the quest, so remember whether you are Light or Darkness. You’ll also need a good way to communicate with your partner, so I recommend hopping on a call or having voice chat active.
Part 1: Defeat the four Ogres
When you start the quest, you will be in a room with a Light plate on a platform to your left and a Darkness plate across from it on the right. The Light player must stand on the Light plate, while the Darkness player stands on the Darkness plate at the same time. Doing so will dispel the barrier in front of you.
Hop down and make your way forward until you jump across a ravine into a large, open area. Head to the right. There are four Ogres you need to kill before continuing. Two are in the grassy area below, while two are in a rocky cave further along the path. As long as you keep pushing forward and to the right, you’ll see them.

After dealing with all four ogres, stand on the Light/Darkness plates in the cave. The Light plate is closer to the cave entrance while the Darkness plate is near the last Ogre. Standing on both at the same time dispels the nearby barriers and spawns some enemies. Head inside, fight off the enemies, and jump into a hole in the wall. Keep heading forward until you see a circle to place a Rally Banner.
Part 2: Find and shoot the correct symbols
Once you’ve rallied, you’ll enter a room with two levels. The Darkness player stays up top while the Light player drops down. The Darkness player will have to deal with Strand Psions who can yank them around, while the Light player faces Stasis Psions who can freeze them.
At intervals, larger enemies will spawn: Centurions for the Light player and Knights for the Darkness player. Defeating them drops a Mote of Light for the Light player or a Mote of Darkness for the Darkness player. You will each need two Motes of your respective alignments for this first encounter.

Once you each have two Motes, the Light player should look toward the center of their arena for two symbols. Call them out or describe them for the Darkness player. The Darkness player then has to look around the upper level and shoot both symbols in the correct order. Get them right, and you’ll be teleported to the next encounter.
The second encounter is similar to the first. Fight through waves of enemies and collect three Motes. This time, your roles are reversed. The Darkness player should call out their three symbols, and the Light player should look around the room and shoot them in order.
You should then be teleported to the third and final encounter. There are four Motes this time, and player roles are the same as the first encounter. The Darkness player may need to climb up higher to see the symbols they have to shoot. After shooting the correct four symbols, you’ll be teleported to the next area.

Part 3: Platforming interlude
The next area is a timed platforming section. The path is generally pretty clear, so just keep making your way forward, killing the handful of enemies along the way. There’s one section with pistons that can push you off of your ledge. The timing is pretty tight, but you can just crouch-walk past them when they retract.
Eventually, you’ll make your way to a pair of Light/Darkness plates. Stand on your respective plates, then jump up and to the left to reach the next Darkness plate. The Light player should continue across the room to the right to find their Light plate. Stand on them to activate the next part of the puzzle.

Both players should jump up to their third plate, then across the room for their fourth. The fourth Light plate is in a central block of the room, while the Darkness plate is on the right.
The end should be in sight, with two Ogres and some other Taken enemies shooting at you from the end of the room. I recommend taking them out with a sniper or scout rifle, since they can cause you to miss your platforms if you try to jump across to them.
Once the enemies are dealt with, stand on the fifth and final Light/Darkness plates of this section and head inside the passageway between them. After a bit of traversal, you should find yourself in an arena with a Rally Banner.
Part 4: Tormentors and clocks
After rallying, stand on your respective Light/Darkness plates to begin yet another timed challenge. It’s okay if your party wipes; just don’t run out the timer.
On the far end of the room, you will see nine Darkness nodes arranged in an arc. Six of them are lit up with golden rays, while three are unlit. Your partner will see a different arrangement of lit and unlit nodes than you do. The goal is to shoot the three nodes that are lit up for both players.
You can only shoot and activate the nodes after you’ve defeated a Tormentor. The player who lands the killing blow will receive a brief buff that allows them to shoot the nodes. Shoot the correct nodes in any order. You’ll need to repeat the clock puzzle three times in order to progress.

My partner and I numbered ours 2 through 10 to correspond with positions on a clock. I had my partner read out the three nodes that were unlit for him, then cross-referenced them with the three that were unlit for me. The remaining three were the lit nodes we had in common — the ones we needed to shoot.
These Darkness nodes can sometimes be bugged. If you see more than three unlit nodes, or no glowing lines at all, you may need to leave and restart the quest from the beginning.
Part 5: Floating islands
After you’ve defeated the Tormentors, cross the branches and head into the next room. Defeat the enemies and stand on the Darkness plate (left) and Light plate (right). Take your respective portals up to the next island. Don’t jump into the portals — just walk in, or else you’ll be launched into the portal rim and take damage.

Keep killing enemies, stand on your plates, and take the next portal. Eventually, you’ll be shot through a line of four portals to the next area.
Part 6: Final boss fight and more clocks
This is the final room. Stand on your respective plates to start the challenge. A Stasis Subjugator will spawn before you. Fight it until it shields up at two-thirds health.
Kill the other enemies until two Wizards appear. The Light player can only damage the one with a blue-ish white Light aura, while the Darkness player can only damage the one with a golden Darkness aura. Take down your respective Wizards.

After killing the Wizards, the Light player should see three symbols floating above the shielded Subjugator. Read them out for the Darkness player. The Darkness player should then shoot the matching symbols around the room. This will break the Stasis Subjugator’s shield, and you can damage it to one-third health.
After the Stasis Subjugator retreats at one-third health, a Strand Subjugator will appear. Repeat the same steps as with its Stasis counterpart. Damage it, kill the Wizards, call out and shoot the symbols, and damage it again. This time, your roles for the symbols will be reversed, so the Darkness player should identify the symbols above the shielded Subjugator while the Light player shoots the correct symbols scattered around the room.

With both Subjugators at one-third health, it’s time for more clock puzzles. There are two more sets of Darkness nodes at opposite sides of the room. The Light player should head to the right and kill the Light wizard, while the Darkness player heads left and kills their wizard.
With the enemies out of the way, you’ll notice that the clock has twelve nodes corresponding to numbers on a clock. Four of them will be lit. Your partner will see a different arrangement. The goal is to shoot the one node that is lit for both of you.

I did this by having my partner read out the four that were lit for him, and I identified the one that I had in common. The pattern changes every few seconds, so you’ll need to be quick. Identify and shoot the correct node three times, fighting off the enemies that spawn in between.
After solving the clock puzzle three times, both Subjugators are unleashed. All you need to do is defeat them. They can both be damaged by both players, and they don’t need to go down at the same time. We stayed up near the top of the arena with the clocks and let the Subjugators come to us one at a time. Watch out for snipers and Ogres.
Part 7: There can only be one
Once you’ve defeated both Subjugators, the hard part is over. Congratulations! Now, you need to betray the partner who’s helped you this entire challenge.
Go to claim your reward, and you’ll be trapped and killed instead. Respawn in the boss arena and prepare for a PvP match with your partner. It doesn’t matter who wins, but there can only be one victor. Good luck.

After one of you dies, the other can choose to crush your Ghost. The choice here doesn’t matter either; you’ll both get rewards all the same. Do it, if you’re curious.
After you’ve respawned, go collect your shiny exotic class item. You can repeat Dual Destiny as many times as you like to get different perks on your item. Once you’ve completed Dual Destiny, there will also be a small chance for you to get the class item in any chest in the Pale Heart.
Published: Jun 18, 2024 11:37 am