Tears of the Kingdom Cece's Secret quest
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Cece’s Secret quest guide Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

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After kicking off the Mayoral Election quest line in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Hateno Village starts to buzz with talk about the candidates Cece and Reede. And with all that newfound attention, Cece’s sister Sophie enlists you to help uncover Cece’s secret in a special quest.

It seems like Cece has been sneaking off at night, avoiding anyone following her or seeing where she’s going. Sophie always gets caught, so she wants to enlist Link’s help to figure it all out. Time to don some stealth garb and get to tailing.

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Kicking the quest off is fairly easy, as you can speak to Sophie right after starting the Mayoral Election quest line. Sophie will consult Link, and tell him about Cece’s midnight ventures. She tends to sneak out in the middle of the night, and keeps a careful watch over her shoulder for anyone following her.

How to discover Cece’s Secret in Tears of the Kingdom

Sophie wants you to see what’s up, to make sure there isn’t a political fiasco waiting in the wings. Now, you could follow her on the ground. But if you want an easy solution, just sit at a fire until nighttime, and then head over to the shop and get up on the roofs. We spied on Cece’s midnight sojourn from a nearby roof and weren’t spotted at all.

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Cece doesn’t go far, either. She’ll head across the street, into a condemned building. The door is locked, but there’s a side entrance if you climb up, crouch down, and sneak in.

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You’ll soon discover the source of Cece’s shame. It’s not exactly a political disaster, but does shed some light on Cece’s heart and motivations. Either way, report back to Sophie on her candidate’s midnight antics and you’ve wrapped it all up. There’s still plenty to do before the election in Tears of the Kingdom though, including discovering Reede’s secret as well. Or maybe helping Reede out by discovering a new recipe.

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Image of Eric Van Allen
Eric Van Allen
Senior Editor
Senior Editor - While Eric's been writing about games since 2014, he's been playing them for a lot longer. Usually found grinding RPG battles, digging into an indie gem, or hanging out around the Limsa Aethryte.