Another round of sports-themed BitLife challenges is here, and you’re the one supporting athletes this time. While you start as an aspiring athlete, you’ll eventually pursue roles that allow you to help others directly. Here’s how to complete the Athletic Supporter challenge.
BitLife Athletic Supporter challenge guide
BitLife’s Athletic Supporter challenge has five tasks to complete:
- Be born in the United Kingdom
- Join the table tennis team in secondary school
- Date 5+ famous athletes
- Become a massage therapist
- Become a physical therapist
While you won’t need any special career or expansion packs to complete this challenge, you’ll need a lot of luck. Don’t be too surprised if you have to rely on the game’s Time Machine feature or have to recreate your character a few times initially. Once you get past the first few tasks, the rest is fairly simple if you follow specific steps.
Be born in the United Kingdom
As usual, you’ll have to create a character born in a particular location. In this case, you’ll need a character born in the United Kingdom. Your starting gender and place don’t matter as long as your birth country is the UK.

Your special talent also won’t influence much in this particular challenge, but you will have a slightly easier time if you’re born into a wealthier family. You’ll also want to keep your health and athleticism high by going for walks and visiting the gym, which will help with the next challenge objective.
Join the table tennis team in secondary school
Next on the list is joining your secondary school table tennis team. You’ll first enter secondary school once your character turns 11, allowing you to knock this objective out quickly. You can try out for the team by heading into your school menu, picking Activities, and scrolling down until you see table tennis.
However, there is a caveat to this: you’re not guaranteed to find the table tennis team in your activities menu. While you’ll have a lot of options to choose from, the list is still randomized, meaning you may miss out on joining the team. The two solutions for this are to purchase and use the game’s Time Machine to go back one year, age up and recheck the list, or create a new character and repeat the aging up process until you spot it.

You’ll also want to ensure you’re trying out for the table tennis team, not a regular tennis or ping pong team. It’ll appear with a red paddle icon and be specifically named “table tennis team,” differentiating it from similar sports.
Once you spot table tennis in your activities list, apply and join the team, knocking out the second task. If they deny you initially, go for walks and visit the gym to boost your athleticism before reapplying.
Date 5+ famous athletes
The third task of the Athletic Supporter challenge requires you to date five famous athletes. Fortunately, BitLife has a Celebrity Dating app feature that allows you to find famous people pretty easily, as long as your character has the money to afford its $100,000 usage fee.

To find the Celebrity Dating app, head into Activities, Love, and Celebrity Dating app. You’ll find options for desired age, gender, and celebrity type, with the last menu being the most important. Pick this and select athlete to begin the process.
Since you need to date five famous athletes, you’ll need a minimum of $500,000 for five attempts. Since celebrities in BitLife often ghost or reject your advances, don’t be surprised if you need more than one million to finish this task. It’s worth waiting until after you become a massage therapist and physical therapist to save up some money for this, but you can also use other money-making means to get the job done faster. Just don’t do anything that’ll give you a criminal record, or else finding work will be much more challenging.
Become a massage therapist
Normally, to become a massage therapist, you would need at least a community college education. However, this won’t work for this particular challenge. Instead, you’ll need a science-related degree from a university, such as biology, chemistry, or psychology. You can also use a Golden Diploma if you have one to get a degree instantly.

Once you finish your degree, head into your full-time job list and scroll through until you see massage therapist. If you don’t spot it right away, age up or close and reopen your BitLife app. After finding it, apply for the role and pass the interview to become a massage therapist.
Become a physical therapist
Becoming a physical therapist is much more challenging, requiring you to pursue a medical school degree. Fortunately, since you have a related degree, you’ll be able to join as long as you have high smarts. Apply for medical school through the education menu and complete its eight-year program.

After graduating from medical school, scroll through your full-time job list again until you see physical therapist. Like before, there’s a chance you won’t see it, so you may have to restart the app a few times until you do. Once you spot it, apply for the job and pass the interview to land a physical therapist job, completing the Athletic Supporter challenge in BitLife.
Published: Aug 31, 2024 02:02 pm