Grace is the hot new Roblox game where players have to speed through a number of dungeons without getting caught and mauled by the different entities residing within each. Grace gives players hints before it puts them against each vile entity, but these might not be all that easy to understand. Grace is fun, but it can prove a frustrating trial-and-error type of game — provided you don’t know what to do. Let’s diminish its potential to cause players to smash their keyboards, shall we?

Carnation “Run forward, you’ll find a spot”
Carnation is impossible to outrun, as it hits most of the dungeon area in waves. The only way to avoid being killed by Carnation is to run through the dungeon’s rooms while it’s inactive and look for square holes on the sides of the map to crawl under.
Once you’ve found yourself inside one of these spots, wait for Carnation to pass by. When he’s doing the rounds, you’ll hear a constant noise and your screen will be filled with pink flames. You know you’re safe to resume running to the next crawl space once the flames have faded.

Slight “Don’t Stare”
Slight is easy to understand and beat. You just have to avoid looking at it while it’s in the same room as you. You usually get to have a good look at his position before you enter the dungeon’s rooms, so enter with Slight’s position in mind, and cross the room without ever letting it enter your field of view.

Slugfish “Get out of his way”
The good news about Slugfish is that it doesn’t seem very concerned with you. The bad news is that it will kill you as hard as any other entity would should you not get the hint. Slugfish behaves like a huge bullet that travels through the map in waves. Unlike Carnation, which forces players to hide in a crawlspace, Slugfish just requires players to avoid being in the dungeon’s center corridor. Hug the walls as soon as you hear him coming (you’ll immediately understand what sound I’m talking about), and you should be fine.

Elkman “Peek, hide behind a wall”
Elkman acts like a very laggy security camera. Run through the dungeon until you find Elkman. He’ll notice you and static will start taking over the screen. Staying where Elkman can see you for too long will result in death, so run back and find a place where you’re out of his line of sight to hide.
The static will go away shortly after, and so will Elkman. He will move to the next room, so rinse and repeat until you’re in the next dungeon.

Heed “Do stare”
Heed is the exact opposite of Slight. Whereas looking at Slight when sharing a room with it would cause you to die, Heed requires you to look at it. The process is simple, though. Just enter the room with heed locked at the center of your line of sight, then proceed without ever averting your gaze until you enter the next room.

Sorrow “The drops wither the soul, go under something, doorframes count”
Sorrow’s hint is as clear as it is bleak. From time to time, sorrow will drop something pretty lethal from above. Run through the map, but, as soon as you hear him moving, you’ll need to find a place with a hard roof to get under. The crawl spaces that worked against carnation will work here as well, and so will the door frames.

Dozer “Stay down, don’t move a muscle”
Dozer is possibly the easiest entity to deal with in Grace. Run through the map, then, once you see his smiling face popping up on your screen, just crouch and stop moving until he disappears. It’s very important that you’re in the crouching position until he vanishes.
Goatman “Gotta go fast”
There are no hints regarding Goatman. If you see him, it’s already too late – literally – you gotta beat the game in time to prevent him from spawning.
There’s another way to have Goatman spawn, but it’s story-related so we’re not about to spoil that for you.

Genesis is, somehow, not your enemy. He’s likely the entity responsible for reviving players upon death, so you avoid it by, well, not getting killed by any of the previously mentioned entities.
You can now play Grace via Roblox on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Mac OS, Occulus Quest, and Meta Quest VR.
Published: Dec 9, 2024 03:55 am