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How Droplets and Blood Zones work in Dead by Daylight’s Blood Moon event

You've got red on you.

Dead by Daylight‘s Blood Moon event temporarily transforms the game and adds new mechanics and items to master that will help players unlock cosmetics and, of course, earn Bloodpoints. However, understanding how Droplets and Blood Zones work isn’t the easiest thing in the world, especially while you’re chasing prey or being hunted down in a dark part of the woods.

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How to use Droplets and Blood Zones in Dead by Daylight

blood zone dead by daylight blood moon event
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The Blood Moon event adds Droplets and Blood Zones into every Trial in Dead by Daylight. You can use these to boost the points you score and give yourself an advantage against your opposition. You need to pick up Droplets and deposit them in Blood Basins to create Blood Zones in a Trial.

The effects of Blood Zones vary for Survivors and Killers, so I’ve outlined the buffs you get below so you can see if they’re worth it for your play style. Note that you’re only under the effect of a Blood Zone while standing inside of the red circle with blood dripping upwards out of it. This is where you must be for any challenges that require you to be inside a Blood Zone.

What do Blood Zones do for Survivors in Dead by Daylight?

For Survivors, a Blood Zone makes injured characters 50% quieter, making them harder for the Killer to hear. Their pools of blood also vanish 50% faster, making them harder to track if they’ve been chased. Both of these effects are doubled while crouching, meaning you can get hit by the Killer, run away from them, and quickly make them lose your scent by crouching in a Blood Zone.

The effect of a Blood Zone wears off about a second after leaving it for Survivors. You can tell the effect is in play because blood drops up from your character. This makes sense because none of the effects actually boost the other systems you must interact with. Just bear in mind you won’t be quieter or less bloody outside of these zones.

What do Blood Zones do for Killers in Dead by Daylight?

For Killers, Blood Zones increase their lunge attack time up to 100%, but that costs them an extended recovery cooldown. I’ve yet to try this one out, but I can definitely see the advantage already. You can create a Blood Zone and wait, say as The Xenomorph, for a Survivor to pop by where they think they’re safe before downing them. That recovery time won’t matter if you’re on top of the Survivor. You could also use Perks and Add-Ons to buff out the extended recovery time, so it doesn’t cost you too much anyway.

In addition to this added efficiency, all scores for Killers, including Blood Moon, are increased by 25% while you’re in a Blood Zone. That should help you hit the highest score possible pretty quickly if you know what you’re doing. Try to find a Hook in a Blood Zone, and you’ll be slaughtering the Survivors with no issues and racking up a huge score for thousands of Bloodpoints.

How to gain Droplets in Dead by Daylight

droplet dead by daylight blood moon event
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To gain Droplets in Dead by Daylight during the Blood Moon event, you need to play a Trial as either a Survivor or Killer and keep an eye out for the drops of blood floating in the air. These are Droplets, and to gain them, you must walk through them. Survivors can only carry one at a time, while Killers can carry two.

For some challenges in the Blood Moon Tome, you’ll need to collect Droplets and deposit them in Blood Basins. Every one of these challenges starts with collecting a Droplet from somewhere on the map. Watch for the drops of blood that glow red, and you should be fine. A great item that helps you find Droplets is the Blood Moon-exclusive Bloodsense Map, which you can get from the Bloodweb for Survivors.

How to deposit a Droplet into a Blood Basin in Dead by Daylight

depositing droplet in dead by daylight blood moon event
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To deposit a Droplet into a Blood Basin in Dead by Daylight during the Blood Moon event, you must first find and collect a Droplet by walking through it. Now, you need to locate a Blood Basin, which is a spot on the map where blood is pouring upward out of the floor or from the object itself, which looks like a chalice. Interact with the Blood Basin to deposit the Droplet, and you’ll create a Blood Zone.

As outlined above. Blood Zones provide several benefits to both Survivors and Killers. I’ve not seen much of a point in using them yet, though they do help Survivors in a pinch when a particularly skilled Killer is hunting them down. The best part of a Blood Zone, as far as I can tell, is the boost to scores.

How to steal Droplets in Dead by Daylight

ellen ripley chemical trap perk dead by daylight
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To steal Droplets from the Killer in Dead by Daylight during the Blood Moon event, you must stun them. Survivors can do this by dropping a pallet on the Killer as they’re being chased, using a Flashlight to blind the Killer, or using character-specific stuns. For character-specific stuns you’ll need to use that character or their unique Perk. The one I like best is Chemical Trap, an Ellen Ripley Perk. This allows you to place a trap on a dropped pallet that stuns the Killer if they break it. You’ll need to complete 50% worth of a generator to activate the Perk for use, though.

As the Killer in Dead by Daylight’s Blood Moon event, you can steal Droplets from Survivors by hitting them. However, the Survivors must have a Droplet to steal before you can. The way to tell if they’ve got one is to look for the Droplet slowly spinning around them in a glowing red line.

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Image of Jamie Moorcroft-Sharp
Jamie Moorcroft-Sharp
Staff Writer
Jamie is a Staff Writer on Destructoid who has been playing video games for the better part of the last three decades. He adores indie titles with unique and interesting mechanics and stories, but is also a sucker for big name franchises, especially if they happen to lean into the horror genre.