There are a lot of options for traveling between servers in Final Fantasy XIV. Whether you’re world-hopping to find the best deal on the Marketboard, traveling to see friends or taking part in the cross-region Data Center test, here’s what you need to know.
While playing FFXIV, you’re likely to meet people who hail from several different World Servers. Each Data Center has several World Servers that players call home, and when running content, you’ll encounter people from all over your Data Center. If you want to visit them or even travel further afield, you’ll need to travel.
How world travel works in FFXIV

This is the easiest way to broaden your horizons, but you’ll only be able to travel to different worlds that are part of your Data Center. For instance, if you play on the Crystal Data Center, you’ll be able to travel between the following World Servers:
- Balmung
- Brynhildr
- Coeurl
- Diabolos
- Goblin
- Malboro
- Mateus
- Zalera
To do this, all you need to do is interact with the main Aetheryte in one of the three main city states–Limsa Lominsa, Gridania or Ul’dah. After doing so, you’ll have the option to “visit another world server.” Select this, then choose your destination.
How Data Center travel works in FFXIV

Traveling between Data Centers is slightly different than traveling between world servers, and it must be done before you even log in to the game.
Once you’ve opened the game and reached the Character Selection screen, right-click on the character you wish to travel with and select “Visit another Data Center.” You’ll then be able to select which Data Center you want to travel to, then click Confirm to be on your way.
While visiting another Data Center, you’ll lose your FC information besides your name and instead have a “Traveler” label. There are some things you’ll be unable to do while visiting another Data Center:
- Use the Moogle Delivery Service
- Access Retainers
- Sell items on the Marketboard, although you can purchase items
- Utilise Free Company features, like chat or Buffs
- Use Linkshells
- Purchase housing
- Take part in Gold Saucer tournaments
- Access the Firmament
- Save Deep Dungeon results to the Leaderboard
To return to your own Data Center, follow the same steps on the Character Selection screen, except choose the “Return to Home Data Center” option.
How cross-region Data Center travel works in FFXIV

Although we have no confirmation of this, it’s assumed that cross-region travel will work in the same way as Data Center travel.
Upon selecting the “Visit another Data Center” option, simply select a Data Center from further afield and click Confirm to be on your way! The same restrictions are likely to apply as they do when traveling between Data Centers.
Published: Mar 16, 2024 11:00 am