Hong Kong: Where Sleeping Dogs lie

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A new developer diary for Sleeping Dogs has surfaced, featuring members of the team at United Front Games as they discuss the game’s setting of Hong Kong. It’s an enjoyable watch and makes it easy to fall in love with the idea of running around the streets of a city as diverse as this one. Other highlights include obvious discomfort as the topic of spending research time with Triad members is discussed and an adorable kitty at 4:19.

I had a a chance to give a demo of Sleeping Dogs a run at GDC after Hamza encouraged me to do so and I’m glad he did. The on-foot running portion was exciting and offered a view of the potential to be found in a more open city. I was less thrilled by the racing portion, but I’m rarely thrilled by racing portions in games so I suppose my thoughts there can be taken with a grain of salt. It seemed serviceable enough and I think I’ll probably have a good time with the full product.

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Conrad Zimmerman
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