Check out this high-res Nintendo 64 box art that Nintendo is using for Switch Online

Paper Mario high-res Nintendo 64 box art

It’s fun to revisit crisp old video game cover art

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It’s a treat to revisit old gaming magazines, marketing materials, instruction manuals, and box art with fresh eyes. You might notice details that never dawned on you before, or just feel like you’ve been transported back to a simpler time in your life. As part of this month’s expanded Nintendo Switch Online membership plan that includes Nintendo 64 games (and also Sega Genesis titles), Nintendo has dug up some high-res N64 box art.

Seeing these boxes stacked like this brings out some potent Blockbuster memories. That was the rental era for me, and I can just feel the pressure of wanting to pick out the right game and hoping it lived up to my expectations. I made the wrong call plenty of times, as we probably all did. I vividly remember getting Kirby 64 and being glad it was just a rental.

Of course, these early N64 picks for the curated Switch Online library are almost all great. I mean, I don’t care for Yoshi’s Story, and I’ve never tried WinBack (though I’m curious to see its early cover-based shooting from a historical perspective), but the rest? Pretty iconic.

A few takeaways from this high-res Nintendo 64 box art, and I’m sure you’ll have more:

  • Paper Mario has fantastic cover art, doubly so when it’s looking this crisp.
  • It’s so cool to see an “official” localized take on Sin and Punishment‘s N64 box.
  • I do not remember games like Kirby 64Mario Golf, and F-Zero X having taglines.
  • Oh my gosh, these textured logos! I dig the experimentation in general.

I feel like we’ve had the opportunity to share a few high-res or cleaned-up versions of classic Nintendo art lately, and I hope the trend keeps going. We appreciate it!

[Via ResetEra]

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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