Hideki Kamiya on DmC questions: ‘GET THE F*CK OFF’

Platinum Games director wants the fans to step off

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Hideki Kamiya is a man responsible for a lot of Capcom’s success, being influential in the creation of Resident Evil and Devil May Cry. His work as director for that latter game, however, seems to have caused him to go ballistic, after fans harassed him for his thoughts on the Ninja Theory reboot

He is not happy, to say the very least. 

“AS I SAID 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 TIMES, STOP ASKING ME ABOUT NEW DMC THING,” he has been repeating on Twitter to fans asking the same question. He would later follow up with a re-post of his multiple statements and adding, “IF U CAN’T READ THESE, GET THE F*CK OFF.”

The Platinum Games developer will likely draw heat from some fans for losing his cool, but it’s hard not to empathize with the guy. Answering the same question over a game he has no control over, and likely couldn’t talk about for professional courtesy’s sake, has gotta drive one a little batty. Poor dude.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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