Hey! Those aren’t the Ninja Turtles!

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The game is called Ninja Turtles. The thumbnail is a picture of the Ninja Turtles. My friends, these are not the Ninja Turtles. Dear God.

Some clown must have had five minutes to kill and decided to play a big joke on iOS users. By ripping backgrounds from Contra, effects from Metal Slug, and possibly other game assets, then incorporating the world’s sh*ttiest MS Paint art, this punk has duped a number of unsuspecting iThing users into dropping five bucks, thinking they were getting a game about those loveable, pizza-noshing amphibians. Who would do… just… no. Just no.

Worst part? This “game” has been available since August 18 and still hasn’t been removed. Really great product evaluation there, Apple.

Ninja Turtles by Namphuong Star [iTunes]

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Tony Ponce
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