Hey, it’s Ludum Dare 22 and Minicraft!

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If you follow the indie gaming scene, you’re most likely aware of the fact that the 22nd Ludum Dare, a 48-hour game development competition, was this weekend. A per usual, a theme was given at the start of the event and participants had 2 days to build a qualifying game from the ground up. This year’s theme was “Alone.”

Internet darling Markus “Notch” Perrson decided to livestream his efforts and, as always, it’s quite impressive to see it all in action. His offering, Minicraft, takes some obvious bits from its voxelated big brother — crafting, zombies, slimes, mining — but it does have its own personality.

I wish we could take a look at each of the over 600 entrants, but… damn that’s a lot. If you see anything particularly exciting though, let us know below!

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Liam Fisher
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