Here’s what’s been happening in the Dtoid community

This article is over 10 years old and may contain outdated information

Highlights from the Cblogs, Forums, and more!

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You Dtoiders have been on an absolute tear lately! Not only are you kicking out awesome new community projects at breakneck speeds, but you’re doing so with an enthusiasm and positivity that I haven’t seen in years. Seriously, I am so f*cking proud of you all I just want to pick you up and keep squeezing you forever! (But I won’t, because we all know how Of Mice and Men ends.)

Anyway, you’re doing a great job, and I hope you keep it up! Here’s some highlights from the last month.

New old blood

Several long-time community members have joined our ranks lately, and it makes my heart sing! Wrenchfarm (Nic Rowen), bbain (Ben Davis), GlowBear (Claire Sharkey), Stevil (Stephen Turner), and DimmuJed (Jed Whitaker) all accepted promotes to become front page contributors, while Occams Electric Toothbrush, PhilKenSebben (Mike Martin), and StriderHoang all joined on to help out with community stuff! As a community leader, nothing makes me happier than seeing hard-working Dtoiders get the respect and recognition they deserve, and Niero and Holmes have been doing an awesome job at promoting from within lately. Congratulations to everyone!

Community blogasms

A ton of new community projects have surfaced within the last month, and they’ve all been fun! Here are just a few of the highlights:

Podgasms – Cblog recapper Nanashi has spearheaded this great undertaking to list all the community podcasts published each month, and wow is it a helpful feature! Look for his next edition at the end of March!

Cblogs of the Month – And speaking of Cblog recappers, the fine folks on the Cblog Recaps team have been putting out monthly highlights of all their favorite blogs! You can catch January’s edition on the front page right here, and February’s should be up soon!

Comments of the Week – Remember CaptainBus and his amazing Comments of the Week? Well community member Dreamweaver has brought it back, baby! Only five weeks in to its reincarnation, and man has it been popular so far. These things take an incredible amount of time to compile, so be sure to thank Dreamweaver next time you see him!

Band of Bloggers – Community blogger The Scholarly Gamer launched a fun new writing assignment this month with the help of the community, called Band of Bloggers. Similar to Occam’s and Strider’s Monthly Musings, Band of Bloggers tasks the community with writing about a specific game and theme every month, and the community gets to vote on what gets tackled next! February’s theme was Fallout; stay tuned to Scholarly’s blog to see what’s coming up in March!

Forums, we (still) have them

There have been some significant changes lately down in the basement; most notably, that our long-time Forums admin Mxy retired after five years of service! Here’s some of the other stuff that’s been going down:

How did Mxy do it all?! – As I mentioned above, Mxy is currently enjoying a much-deserved retirement (probably sippin’ margaritas by the pool with our beloved Zodiac Eclipse, who retired last year), which means we were forced to fill his enormous shoes. Taking over as our two main admins are community members OpiumHerz and Nihil, and they are being assisted by Brightside and Panzadolphin56 on the mod side of things. Thanks to all of you for your hard work!

Redesign – One of Opium’s first acts as new head of the Forums was to create a new thread where people could make requests for new features, and that spawned into a massive undertaking involving about eleventy bajillion threads being renamed, moved, or removed! Head on down and take a look around, and be sure to thank all those who joined in on the planning of the redesign!

Forum games – One of the best things to spawn from the redesign is the new Forum Games section! In here, you can join in on a random game of word association, rate your fellow community members’ avatars, play Werewolf, or enjoy any of the 100 other fun things your fellow Dtoiders do all day every day. Go take a look!

New badges for all – March marks Destructoid’s 9th anniversary — NINE FUCKING YEARS, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! — and in keeping with tradition, we’ve unveiled a sexy new “9” badge for those who want it! Just head on over to this thread to see what it takes to earn! In addition to the anniversary badge, we’ve also unveiled a few new badges lately, including one for getting your comment featured on a front page article. Check out the Badge Request thread for the full list and start filling out your profile!

Legendary Dtoiders – Finally, the Forum authorities have just bestowed a new batch of Legendary badges for those who exemplify all that is wonderful about their community. Congratulations to Alphadeus, GlowBear, Marche100, Occams Electric Toothbrush, PhilKenSebben, RobertoPlankton, Stevil, StriderHoang, and thank you for your dedicated service to your community!


And that’s it for this month’s updates! Thank you for being the best community on Earth!

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