Here are your favorite songs and soundtracks of 2013!

*Cue noodly air guitar solo*

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All week, we’ve been asking you to sound off on some gaming-related topics for our end of the year recap. Many of you took the time to chime in on our favorite and least favorite character posts, and the same rang true for our favorite songs or soundtracks call as well! BECAUSE MUSIC!

Our eardrums were rocked with some killer songs and OSTs in 2013, so let’s crank up our speakers and take a listen to some of your favorites! If I were you, I’d also go ahead and bookmark this post for later, because there is a TON of awesome gaming music about to hit your face…

Baby Choo Choo:

The Anarchy Reigns soundtrack gets my vote. It was so damn good. It’s easily the hypest soundtrack I’ve heard in a while.


I was a big fan of Madworld and I bought the soundtrack as soon as it was out.
When the soundtrack for Max Anarchy got released, I didn’t even care if I had to pay more for it than the game itself to import it.


The music in Super Mario 3D World is yet another work of art in what is already a masterpiece of a game. “Switchboard Falls” is the perfect jazzy song


End credits music from Super Mario 3D World. No contest. New classic for me.

Jazz has always interested me, but never hooked me in enough to become someone that sought out jazz albums or anything like that. But, mixing in jazz with Mario melodies really brings out the fun and soul of your better modern Mario titles. Jazz is about raw expression and high spirits, which is very Mario. It’s so damn happy.

It’s something I can’t help but snap along too. And that wind down towards the end into the climax gets me everytime. So fucking good!


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance‘s OST. Never has a soundtrack make me feel hyped fighting radical bosses than these songs.


Metal Gear Rising‘s soundtrack is so fucking awesome. You could have a whole separate category for “Best Song in Metal Gear Rising” and still have a debate.


The music made Revengeance so fucking good. You can’t fight those bosses and tell me your heart rate didn’t take off when the soundtrack started blaring, namely when you were nearing the end of the fight when the music really picked up.


Mighty Switch Force! 2. Jake is really good at what he does. The credits song from that game is one of the best things ever.


Fire Emblem Awakening‘s OST.

Fire Emblem = F.E.
Should be 
F.E. = Fucking EPIC

El Dango:




The soundtrack to Guacamelee. The whole thing. I’m not even a guy who’s into that kind of music, but they did such a good job on it, and it fit the game so incredibly well, that it has earned a near-permanent spot on my tiny mp3 player.

Of note: Forest del Chivo. Them haunting brass instruments coming in, man. I love them so.


Killer Instinct. That main theme was just too good.

Agent Venom:

Killer Instinct‘s title theme is pretty great. Soul Hackers is great all around. I love the shit out of Blood Dragon‘s OST.

I can’t decide!


Blood Dragon would be the OST of the year for me. Most soundtracks are ambient-like. This one is pure adrenaline!


For me it has got to be Arkham Origins intro track. It was so fitting to the point I could see it being in a Batman film.

Keiichi Morisato:

Ni No Kuni. Joe Hisaishi is a god.



No other game has given me such lovely folky wub wub nonsense.


Shin Megami Tensei IV nailed it with its soundtrack.


Right now, I’d have to say the Shin Megami Tensei IV soundtrack is my favorite soundtrack this year, and the first overworld theme in particular. So haunting, so amazing.


Probably not the definitive choice, but I enjoyed the smooth jazz reworks in Tiny Death Star.


I just love the OST of A Link Between Worlds.


I know its not original, but when the choir sings “Will the Circle be Unbroken” at the beginning of BioShock Infinite it actually brought tears to my eyes when I first heard it. I don’t know why, but just the first 20 minutes of that game resonated with me very deeply. I can play that part over and over and it never gets old to me.


BioShock Infinite, without a doubt in my mind. Hearing “God Only Knows” by the Beach Boys and CCR’s “Fortunate Son” out of nowhere was really amazing, and a welcome surprise. And of course, “Will the Circle be Unbroken” which is, by far, the most beautiful song I’ve heard in a videogame. Hearing the full version actually brings tears to my eyes.


If you listen to the OST of BioShock Infinite, there’s a full version of Elizabeth Singing “Will The Circle Be Unbroken” and it is, simply put, beautiful. If you really listen to the words, it really pulls at the ol’ heartstrings.

First time I heard it, it brought back a tidal wave of memories. There’s a verse that says “one by one there, seats were empty. One by one, they went away. Now the family is parted, will it be complete one day?” then she sounds like she’s holding back tears as she’s singing. I lost it. Reminded me of family and loved ones who have passed away… haven’t cried that hard in a long time.


For all of it’s flaws, BioShock Infinite had one of the best soundtracks of the year. “The Songbird” is, in my opinion, the best original piece on the soundtrack.


The feeling I got when this track started playing as I was escaping the monument with Elizabeth and the Songbird proceeded to destroy everything around us was… something else. Once I wound up on the beach, I immediately quit the game, reloaded the save, and played that part over to witness that part again. I still do that. That is what they call a memory card moment.


I really enjoyed the “7pm” music from Animal Crossing: New Leaf.


The Last of Us soundtrack. It’s amazing how so little can make you feel so much. Absolutely faultless.


Risk of Rain‘s music is so immense I just can’t tire of it. It captures the mood of a foreboding alien world so effectively. Most of the tracks are influenced by the flow of the gameplay in that they possess a “calm before the storm” buildup to set things up. Then once it gets to said storm, it ramps up to 11 just as you start being overrun by monsters as you desperately fight for survival and a way out. I’m not sure personally how well it stands on its own; but as a soundtrack it’s top-notch.


And that’s just about all the awesome music we can fit into one post! Thanks to everyone who participated!

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M Randy
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