Here are the four known classes from EverQuest Next

Here’s what’s next in EQ Next

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The Christmas issue of PC Gamer UK dives into some details on the upcoming EverQuest Next. One of those details is a list of known classes, which includes Cleric, Necromancer, Beast Lord, and Tempest.

Here are the descriptions as provided by EQNexus:

Cleric – Wields either a two-handed hammer or a hammer and shield. Buffing and protecting allies is the typical Clerical duty, but these magic men and women do it with the power of fire, which gives them some killing power, too.

Necromancer – Wielding a tome or a dagger and focus object, the Necromancer summons destructive chaotic energies and comes with a companion: a Monstrosity that grows in power with its master.

Beast Lord – If you’re a fan of ‘trampling’ and ‘savaging,’ the Beast Lord’s furry friends make excellent companions. You can do your own savagin, too, with a flail and shield combination, or a spear for medium range attacks.

Tempest – With two blades or one two-handed blade, the Tempest ‘dances across the battlefield’ and unleashes powerful winds and blasts of lightning. Ought to appeal to fans of action RPGs.

What’s interesting about all of these classes is that they all use melee weapons, at least they will have the option to. Hopefully they figure out a good way to break up the normal tank, healer, and DPS triangle that most games have come to rely on.

PC Gamer UK December 2013 via EQNexus


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Joshua Derocher
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