We won’t take up much of your time
Well, I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want first?
Bad news? Each of the clips in this Baldur’s Gate 3 sizzle reel is about one-second long. That’s super short! A mayfly lives for 24 hours, yet a mayfly could watch 86,400 of these Baldur’s Gate 3 clips. That is not what you should be doing with your little precious time on this earth, mayfly. Figure your life out.
Throughout June, we’ll be revealing more about #BaldursGate3 starting June 6, on the #GuerrillaCollective Showcase. https://t.co/alQZxS4kH6 It’s almost time to venture forth. pic.twitter.com/I4Cjrf0BIT
— Larian Studios (@larianstudios) May 29, 2020
The good news is that there are 28 new Baldur’s Gate 3 clips and it won’t even take up a lot of your day. Quantity over quality, baby!
If this sizzle reel strikes you as “insubstantial” and “not really showing off much about the game,” I have a bonus round of good news. Larian Studios is taking June to slowly reveal more and more about Baldur’s Gate 3. It starts June 6 during the Guerrilla Collective showcase.