Helldivers 2 players fantasize about a medieval knight-based Warbond

Brining a new meaning to going medieval.

knight in for honor

With the Viper Commandos Warbond announcement for Helldivers 2, developer Arrowhead Game Studios explained that future Warbonds would be more focused on a theme. Of course, what this community heard is that a medieval knight Warbond would be amazing, and now it’s all it can talk about.

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I have to say, I was also pretty thrilled when the developer confirmed it would be tightening the theme of Warbonds. all the ones leading up to Viper Commandos have felt like they’ve had armor that matches the theme, but everything else was kind of thrown into them randomly from whatever new items were working. I can’t even find a fault with the idea of a medieval knight Warbond because the suggestions fans have made for items are fantastic.

Helldivers 2 fans have already figured out what you should get in a medieval knight Warbond

triumphant helldivers 2 man
Image via PlayStation’s YouTube channel

Fans on the Helldivers 2 subreddit have been discussing the potential for a medieval knight-based Warbond in great detail. It has suggestions for armor parts, weapons, and even some themed new items that could be added to the game, just like how Viper Commandos adds the Throwing Knife.

User JamesMcEdwards’ suggestion, “Like the Blood Dragon armour from Mass Effect?” is genius. This is an exclusive set of armor for Mass Effect you could get as DLC for having the right bonus pack for Dragon: Age Origins. Based on the image below, I think you’ll agree it fits right into the Helldivers 2 universe.

blood dragon armor mass effect
Image via JamesMcEdwards on Reddit

User Doomedtundra put forward a great idea. “Arc longsword.” I imagine this to be a pretty meaty melee weapon that slows and electrocutes enemies. It would likely cut through the hordes of Automatons in the galaxy like a hot knife through butter.

This type of Warbond would also open the door for something Helldivers 2 fans have been asking for since day one. As user SpeedyAzi requests, “All I need is a Laser Calvary Sword and a Robot Horse. Then give me a flag banner as a stratagem.” I’ve never known this community to ask for anything more than a flag banner Stratagem, and seeing it finally enter the game, regardless of the Warbond theme, would be glorious. It also nails the need for more Stratagems.

User Iwlis666 makes a very sensible recommendation for how this Warbond could interact with items already in the game. “Great sword as primary that breaks to a sword and shield for secondary with a skin for GL as crossbow or a musket skin for railgun.” The Viper Commando Warbond will add vehicle customizations for the first time, so it makes sense that we could have weapon customizations. However, we’d also need some additional functionality for a few in-game items to make a shield work.

The conversation descends into comparisons to Warhammer 40K quite a lot, but that makes sense. After all, Game Workshop’s universe is filled with sci-fi knights who wield futuristic versions of the same melee weapons knights were using hundreds of years ago. With the addition of firearms and lasers and a pretty grim leadership model, Helldivers 2 does bear a lot of resemblance to the Grimdark.

I love that the Helldivers 2 community has taken the changes Arrowhead Game Studios wants to make to Warbonds so seriously, even if it has resulted in the craziest idea for a Warbond I’ve ever seen. I think it bodes well for the community’s reaction to future Warbonds and shows players are open to pretty much anything as long as it’s well thought out.

About The Author
Jamie Moorcroft-Sharp
Jamie is a Staff Writer on Destructoid who has been playing video games for the better part of the last three decades. He adores indie titles with unique and interesting mechanics and stories, but is also a sucker for big name franchises, especially if they happen to lean into the horror genre.
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