Heavy Rain patch is on the way

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If your copy of Heavy Rain freezing all the time? Never fear, Quantic Dream has a patch waiting in the wings so everybody can bask in how brilliant David Cage is. It would be a crime against humanity to deny people the right — nay, the need — to see what Quantic Dream has done for the industry. So patch away, my friends. Patch, patch away!

According to a SCEA forum mod, the fix is in its final test phase and should be released “very soon.” The patch won’t just be a fix for the freezing glitch, with a smattering of smaller issues being addressed as well. According to the spokesman, the issues were limited to a few players and hard to reproduce, which is why the patch was a bugger to make, but hopefully everyone can play it now. 


Heavy Rain patch on the way [VG247]

[Apparently some people got upset by the jokes in the header image. Considering the jokes were no worse than anything you can get on American network television, or indeed, any average videogame blog, I don’t quite understand why people suddenly felt the need to get upset. If you were genuinely upset by that, we’re sorry. We’re here to inform and amuse, not offend. It’s very difficult to know the difference when boundaries are so flimsy and people pick and choose what is offensive, though. Anyway, sorry.]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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