Heavy Rain director David Cage has voiced frustration at attempting to show Heavy Rain off at trade shows, claiming it’s “very difficult” to demonstrate how the game plays, especially when compared to well-established genres like first-person-shooters, that everybody understands.
“It’s this type of game that is really difficult to demonstrate at a trade show, because when you do a shooter, it’s very simple. You put that on a booth and everyone can play and everyone knows what you’re talking about,” explains the developer. “Here with Heavy Rain what’s difficult is that it’s based on emotional involvement from the player which requires some time to build. And also it requires you to be in a calm and quiet environment so you can really listen to what’s going on.
“So, at the same time because it’s new, it’s something that has to be shown and explained in order to convince people that yes, this is playable, no it’s not a movie that you watch, it’s something that you play second-to-second.”
Cage voiced his opinion in an interview with the Sony PlayStation Euro blog. The video can be viewed after the jump. It’s worth watching just to hear David Cage speak. Man’s got the most soothing voice in the industry.