Heavy Rain dev: QTE criticisms are ‘bullsh*t’

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Heavy Rain has weathered some criticism recently from people who are displeased with what they believe to be a Quick-Time-Event heavy experience. Quantic Dream founder David Cage is not happy with the situation, declaring such accusations to be “bullsh*t.” This is not a man you cross, clearly.

“Bullshit! Just bullshit! I mean what’s the question? We released Fahrenheit before. People know very well what the kind of balance we’re looking for is. The balance is quite similar in Heavy Rain,” Cage argues. “I think that people who didn’t see any demos or did not play the game are a little bit confused by the fact that the interface is in 3D. It’s not quick time events. You navigate. You’re free to explore. It’s just that the interface, instead of being 2D icons in the lower corner, they are now inside the set. That’s the only difference. You control the character second to second, and the balance is quite similar to Fahrenheit. There’s no difference.”

Cage also reiterated his claim that Heavy Rain is more difficult to demo than a shooter, since people can’t grasp the concept easily: “You know when you make a first-person shooter, you just see ten seconds and you know what the game is about. When you see a game that has no real reference, that is kind of different, it’s really difficult. Some people imagine things. Don’t be afraid. It’s not quick time based. All the purpose of Heavy Rain is to tell the story not through cutscenes but through gameplay. I would be stupid just to release cutscenes. I mean what’s the point? I’d better make movie then. That’s silly.”

So there! Don’t you dare say bad things about Heavy Rain, or David Cage will f*ck you up. Also, I’m still really looking forward to this game. Fahrenheit was the tits.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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