Heat up your winter with Purrfect Date, a cat dating sim

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All the way back in January of 2016, we reported on a cat dating sim seeking approval on Steam Greenlight. Today, ladies and gentlemen, I am thrilled to report that Purrfect Date will be available this winter on Steam and iOS.

Why is this noteworthy? Well, it’s a game where you can date talking cats. Watch this trailer and tell me it’s not adorable.

You can’t tell me it’s not adorable, because it is, in fact, very adorable. I’m a dog person, and even I couldn’t help falling a little bit in love – which is exactly what the creators are hoping you do with the six dateable cats featured across the game’s seven chapters. There’s talks of mysterious happenings, branching stories, and even multiple endings! Meowza!

As a recently-married man, I have no strong desire to ever get back into dating. People are weird and dating is hella expensive, and I thank my lucky stars that I found a woman that will willingly make love to me and also doesn’t recoil at my touch. I think, however, given the fact that this game allows you to simulate the act of courtship with cats, that it’s something I could get behind. I mean, the game basically features me in cat form, anyway, so I’m sure to find something in common with the likes of McMurphy:

Check out Purrfect Date on Steam to add to your wishlist, or to just enjoy the humorous descriptions they’ve given. “Come for the pussy, stay for the tale,” indeed.

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Wes Tacos
Contest Baboon, part-time Mod, full-time dick joke specialist. Destructoid's official Hot Biscuits. I've personally backed exactly one KickStarter/crowdfunding project: Sony's PlayStation, by Dtoid community member darrenhupke.
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