If you’re looking to scratch that retro itch from the comfort of your desk chair (or wherever you’re sitting right now), look no further than the Flash 8-bit version of Ubisoft’s H.A.W.X. 2.
Designed by the Singapore-based indie developer Explosive Barrel, the Nintendo Entertainment System era-style top-down shooter feels and plays like just about every generic game in the genre. With that in mind, I’m absolutely terrible at it, despite getting a kick out out the old-school feel of the game’s cut-scenes and “pew pew pew” action. You can even post your high scores online, which I won’t be doing because when I wrote “I’m absolutely terrible at it,” I wasn’t kidding; I didn’t even get past the first stage.
You’ll probably fare a bit better, so check it out. H.A.W.X. 2 with all of its fancy current-gen graphics and triple-A production values hits shelves for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, and Wii on September 7. Has anyone had a chance to check out the demo yet? What do you think?