PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Wii U
[Update: A trailer is up, and it looks like a live-action take on Guitar Hero. FMV games are back! The game seems to retail for $99 and will debut on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and even Wii U. More info can be found here.]
Guitar Hero is coming back, and it’s going to have a newly redesigned guitar if French newspaper Le Monde and Yahoo France are to be believed.
Guitar Hero Live, which is due to be officially announced later today, will apparently have players rocking out from a first-person perspective and will feature a newly redesigned controller with two rows of three buttons rather than the old single row of five.
Tweets from Gerard Way and Fall Out Boy’s Pete Wentz overnight suggest both will have tracks in the game.
So, you ready to get back to plastic button tapping rock god status?
Published: Apr 14, 2015 09:10 am