Gore Verbinski is the new Uwe Boll: ‘Pirates’ director to take on Second Life

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First BioShock and now Second Life? It looks like director Gore Verbinski has found a new calling in life!

According to recent reports in Variety, the Pirates of the Caribbean director has just signed on to direct a movie based on the virtual life phenomenon that is Second Life. While few details are known at this early stage, it seems the movie will focus on the human people involved in the “game,” not the actual avatars that live inside it.

The story will supposedly center on an older, married, diabetic chain smoker who, in his virtual world, is a muscular ladies’ man with a chain of successful clubs and retail stores, who’s “married” to another player. Sounds interesting enough, but I would love, for once, if someone had enough balls to reverse those roles. Not all of us gamers are self-proclaimed “losers” that need to find success and happiness within the confines of a computer screen.

What do you think? Would you pay to see a movie about Second Life? Since it is apparently his new thing, what videogame should Mr. Verbinski tackle next?

[Via Game|Life]

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Chad Concelmo
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